Justice and equity

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Deuteronomy 17-20

In Deuteronomy, chapters seventeen to twenty,
We find the laws for justice and equity.
God's wisdom shines brightly in these verses,
Guiding His people in every circumstance.

When a matter of judgment arises, you see,
A case too difficult for those who decree,
Seek the place that God will choose to dwell,
And bring your case before the priests so well.

Listen to their verdict, without hesitation,
For they speak with God's divine revelation.
Do not turn aside from their decision true,
And do as they direct, without pursuing.

But those who act presumptuously and stray,
Disobeying the priest's words along the way,
Shall be put to death, to uphold justice,
Fearing God's wrath, they shall face this.

In chapter eighteen, God reminds His nation,
To not neglect the Levite's consecration,
For they have no inheritance in the land,
But the Lord Himself is their portion and brand.

Trust not in diviners, soothsayers, and seers,
For God Himself is the one who hears.
He will raise up a prophet in times ahead,
And His words must be heeded as God has said.

Chapter nineteen shares the cities of refuge,
Where the unintentional manslayer can ensue,
Find shelter and protection from the blood avenger,
For justice is found in these cities forever.

And in chapter twenty, we see God's command,
When going to war, with a formidable hand.
Fear not the enemy, but trust in the Lord,
For He fights alongside, with a mighty sword.

So in these verses of Deuteronomy,
We learn of justice, guidance, and unity.
God's laws are just, reliable, and true,
Giving His people peace to pursue.

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