Twenty one, twenty two and twenty three

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Deuteronomy 21-23

In Deuteronomy, chapters twenty-one to twenty-three,
God's laws unfold, guiding His people to see.
From matters of justice to purity and care,
His wisdom and guidance are found everywhere.

If a slain body is found with no known perpetrator,
The elders and priests must approach the Creator.
An offering is made to atone for the land's stain,
And God's mercy and justice shall forever remain.

In matters of marriage, God's laws are defined,
He cares for the vulnerable and the intertwined.
A captive woman's rights are carefully addressed,
With dignity and compassion, God's love is expressed.

God sets boundaries of purity and grace,
Preserving holiness within the human race.
From forbidden relationships to forbidden practices,
God's ways ensure righteousness and lasting bliss.

The rights of those oppressed are honored and known,
The poor, the orphans, the wanderers are not alone.
Give generously and remember God's hand,
For He blesses the obedient in the Promised Land.

Even in the battles and conflicts we face,
God calls for respect and compassion in that space.
He detests cruelty and oppression's might,
Choosing fairness and decency as the guiding light.

So let us ponder on these divine laws,
And seek to follow them with great applause.
For in Deuteronomy, chapters twenty-one to twenty-three,
We find God's love and justice, ever so free.

How do these laws impact your perspective, dear friend?
In what ways do they guide and mold your life's blend?

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