Dreams of transformation

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Genesis 41-43

In Genesis 41, a dream caught Pharaoh's eye,
Seven plump cows and ears of grain, oh my!
But also seven lean cows and withered stalks,
A mystery to unravel, the future it unlocks.

Joseph, once imprisoned, called upon that day,
To interpret Pharaoh's dream, God's wisdom on display.
Seven years of abundance, followed by famine's grip,
A prophecy of providence, where life would slowly slip.

Pharaoh, in awe, saw Joseph's understanding,
Entrusting him as second-in-command, a position commanding.
Through wisdom and preparation, Egypt thrived,
While famine ravaged lands, and hope seemed deprived.

Meanwhile, back home, Joseph's brothers meet,
Unaware of his authority, unknowing they'll greet.
They sought grain from Egypt, where sustenance lied,
Joseph recognized them, emotions could not hide.

Testing their character, Joseph played a part,
To see if they had changed, if remorse truly sparked.
He put them through trials, an ordeal of strife,
But his heart held forgiveness, his love for them alive.

In Genesis 43, a second journey unfolds,
The brothers return, their hearts heavy with remorse untold.
Joseph revealed himself, tears streaming down,
A reunion of forgiveness, a love profoundly found.

In the midst of trials, of famine and despair,
God's hand orchestrates a story, intricately woven with care.

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