The Exodus

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In a land of oppression, cries ring out,
God hears His people, there's no doubt.
Moses, a vessel chosen and called,
Leads the Israelites, their faith never stalled.

From the wrath of Pharaoh, they are set free,
Through parted seas, they walk with glee.
Guided by pillars of cloud and fire,
God's presence with them, their spirits inspire.

In the wilderness, provision is given,
Mana from heaven, a taste of heaven.
Water from the rock, a miracle so grand,
God's mighty power, forever at hand.

But on Sinai's peak, a sacred sight,
The Ten Commandments, shining bright.
A covenant made, laws to uphold,
To honor God and in righteousness be bold.

Though tested and tempted, they often strayed,
God's love and mercy never fade.
Through trials and triumphs, their faith would grow,
His grace abounds, a river that will always flow.

Let Exodus speak to your heart's desire,
To trust in God and His holy fire.
For in oppression, freedom's gleam,
And in His presence, find hope's redeem.

As you journey through life's wilderness,
Pray for strength and discern His righteousness.
Remember the stories of Exodus' plight,
And trust in God to lead you with His might.

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