Book of remembrance and grace

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Deuteronomy 1-3

Deuteronomy, a book of remembrance and grace,
It recounts the history of God's chosen race.
From Horeb's mountain to the plains of Moab,
Moses spoke with wisdom, sharing God's law.

In Deuteronomy 1, we see a journey unfold,
Israel's faith tested, their hearts often cold.
They doubted God's promise, feared the giants they faced,
But Moses reminded them of God's steadfast grace.

Through the wilderness, God led them with care,
Providing manna from heaven, their hunger to bear.
He protected and guided, like a shepherd so kind,
His love and faithfulness, forever intertwined.

In Deuteronomy 2, we witness God's plan,
As Israel approached the land of Edom's span.
They sought permission to pass through with peace,
But were met with a refusal, a tension to increase.

Yet, God led them around, in a different way,
Teaching patience and trust, day after day.
For He knew His timing, His purpose in place,
To prepare His people for the promised embrace.

And in Deuteronomy 3, victories were won,
As Israel conquered the giants, battles hard-fought and won.
Og, king of Bashan, and Sihon, king of the Amorites,
Fell before God's power, their defeat an astonishing sight.

The cities were captured, the land was possessed,
By the hand of the Lord, in whom they were blessed.
It was a reminder, of God's strength and might,
A testament to His faithfulness, His guiding light.

So let us remember, as we journey through life,
To hold onto God's promises, through joy and strife.
For in Deuteronomy 1-3, we find hope and direction,
To trust in God's plan, with unwavering affection.

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