Moses passed, Joshua arose

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In Joshua chapters one to three,
We witness God's faithfulness for all to see.
As Moses passed on, Joshua arose,
To lead the people where God chose.

"Do not fear, be strong and courageous," He said,
For with the Lord, you shall be led.
Cross the Jordan, enter the promised land,
For I am with you, I'll firmly stand.

The spies went forth to Jericho's wall,
And Rahab, with faith, saved them all.
From the scarlet thread of her window high,
Salvation came, promising hope nigh.

The priests took the ark and stepped to the tide,
As the Jordan parted, they walked side by side.
The people crossed on dry land, amazed,
Miracles unfolded, God's power blazed.

In these stories, we glean,
Lessons of faith, so serene.
Trust in God, be of good cheer,
For with Him, there's nothing to fear.

Reflect on these tales, my friend,
And see how God's faithfulness does not end.
He goes before us, fights our battles, it's true,
Just as He did for the Israelites, He'll do for me and you.

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