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In the book of Joshua, tales we find,
Of battles fought with courage, strong and kind.
From the crossing of the Jordan wide,
To the walls of Jericho that did subside.

Joshua, a faithful leader chosen by God,
Led the Israelites with a staff and rod.
Guided by the Lord's mighty hand,
They marched through Canaan's promised land.

With faith as their shield and hope as their guide,
They conquered many cities far and wide.
They faced giants and kings along the way,
Trusting in God's promise, come what may.

The story of Rahab, with her scarlet thread,
A reminder of redemption's thread,
Her faith and courage saved her line,
A foreshadowing of grace divine.

Through battles and triumphs, the lesson we learn,
That God's faithfulness will always return.
In Joshua's steadfastness, we see,
The importance of trusting completely.

So let us take heart from Joshua's tale,
And face our own battles, strong and hale.
For with God by our side, we cannot fear,
He'll fight for us, as He did each year.

GENE-REVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz