The great escape

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Exodus 14-16

In the land of Egypt, they stood at the shore,
The Israelites, filled with fear to their core.
Behind them, Pharaoh and his army drew near,
Their hearts trembling with a mix of hope and fear.

But God, in His mercy, had a plan in place,
To showcase His power, His saving grace.
Moses raised his staff, and the sea did part,
A pathway to freedom, a brand new start.

With walls of water on either side,
The Israelites marched, their fear pushed aside.
Miraculously, they crossed the Red Sea floor,
In awe of the wonders their God had in store.

Their enemies pursued, filled with rage and pride,
But God's mighty hand turned the tide.
The waters crashed down, the army was no more,
God's people rejoiced on that distant shore.

In the wilderness, their journey began,
An uncertain path, but God had a plan.
Manna from heaven sustained their every need,
A miracle of provision, a daily feed.

Yet doubts and grumbling would often arise,
Testing their faith, unveiling their disguise.
But God in His patience and grace did provide,
Quenching their thirst and filling them inside.

He sent quail to satisfy their desires,
A reminder that He never tires,
Of caring for His chosen, His precious flock,
Even amidst the challenges, the stumbling block.

In Exodus 14-16, we witness a tale,
Of God's mighty power that will never fail.
So let us learn from this ancient story,
To trust in the Lord, to seek His glory.

No matter the obstacles, the trials we may face,
God is with us, pouring out His grace.
He will make a way, where there seems to be none,
Just as He did for His people, setting them free to run.

So when the waves of life crash all around,
Remember the Red Sea, how it astound,
And trust in the God who leads us through,
With His love and faithfulness, ever true.

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