Into the great escape

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Exodus 11-13

In the final moments, before the great escape,
The land of Egypt trembled, as God's power took shape.
In Exodus 11 and 12, we see the culmination,
Of God's mighty plan, the Israelites' liberation.

With devastating plagues, His judgment was clear,
Each one targeting Egypt's gods, causing fear.
From turning water to blood, to locusts' dark swarm,
Pharaoh's heart grew stubborn, refusing to conform.

But in Exodus 12, a glimmer of hope,
A Passover story, with redemption to elope.
The Israelites were commanded, a lamb to prepare,
Its blood on their doorposts, protection in the air.

In the midst of darkness, death claimed the land,
But the Israelites were spared, by God's loving hand.
As they ate unleavened bread, in haste they did feast,
Ready to embark on their journey to the East.

In Exodus 13, we see the sanctification,
Of the firstborn sons, a holy dedication.
For God had spared them, from Egypt's cruel plight,
Thus, they belonged to Him, a chosen people, upright.

With unleavened bread, a reminder so profound,
Of the haste in which they left, their freedom newly found.
And with a powerful pillar, like fire in the night,
God led them forward, shining His holy light.

Reflect on these chapters, dear friend, and see,
How God's faithfulness unfolded, setting His people free.
No matter the obstacles, or how dark the night,
God will lead us forward, in His guiding light.

So, let us commemorate, as the Israelites did of old,
The Passover story, of redemption untold.
And may we remember, in our own lives today,
That God's delivering power is just a prayer away.

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