Kings against kings

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Genesis 14-16

In Genesis 14, a battle did ensue,
Kings fought against kings, their power they did pursue.
Lot, dear nephew of Abraham, was captured in the strife,
But Abraham, with bravery, pursued to save his life.

With just a few men, he embarked on a daring chase,
Defeating the enemy, displaying God's grace.
He rescued Lot and all the plunder taken away,
Returning victoriously, God's hand on display.

In Genesis 15, God spoke to Abram in a dream,
Promising him descendants as countless as a gleam.
The stars in the sky were a reminder of His word,
That Abram's progeny would be blessed, undisturbed.

Abram believed God's promise, with unwavering faith,
And God credited it to him as righteous in His grace.
But doubts crept in, as the years went by,
And Abram wondered how God's promise would apply.

In Genesis 16, Sarah and Abram sought a plan,
For God's promise seemed distant, beyond their lifespan.
Sarah encouraged Abram to father a child with her maid,
Hagar conceived Ishmael, but problems soon cascaded.

Oh, brethren, as we journey through these chapters,
What insights do they offer, what lessons to capture?
Are there moments of trust, or moments of fear,
Where human plans clashed with God's purpose, clear?

Take a moment to ponder, and share with me your views,
For together we dive deeper, in search of divine clues.
In these stories of Genesis, there's much to explore,
Through open hearts and minds, let God's wisdom pour.

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