Mount Ebal and Gerizim's slope

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Deuteronomy 27-30

In Deuteronomy, chapters twenty-seven to thirty,
God's words of blessing and warning ring so sturdy.
As the Israelites prepare to enter the Promised Land,
God reminds them of His covenant, mighty and grand.

Upon Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim's slope,
The tribes gather to recite the blessings and hope.
They declare their commitment to follow God's command,
For in obedience, they will flourish in the land.

But God's people are also reminded of the curse,
That disobedience brings pain, suffering, and worse.
If they turn away and worship idols instead,
The consequences of their actions will surely spread.

Yet even in His warnings, God's love shines bright,
For He promises a future of mercy and light.
If His people repent and return to His ways,
He will redeem them, restore them, and bless their days.

Through Moses, God urges them to choose life,
To love Him, walk in His ways, and banish strife.
He reminds them that His law is not beyond reach,
But near and accessible, ready to teach.

So, dear friend, in these verses, what do you see?
How do they inspire and guide your faith's decree?
May we follow God's path, with steadfast hearts and minds,
And in His presence, abundant blessings, we'll find.

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