Nile turned to crimson

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Exodus 7-10

In the land of Egypt, darkness did loom,
As God brought His judgment, sealing their doom.
Moses and Aaron, with staff and with might,
Confronted Pharaoh, igniting the fight.

"Let my people go," the demand was made,
But Pharaoh's heart hardened, his pride displayed.
With miracles abound, God showed His power,
Turning water to blood, a sight to devour.

The Nile turned to crimson, a river of dread,
Yet Pharaoh's resistance, it still spread.
Frogs filled the land, an amphibian plague,
But still Pharaoh's heart, it refused to give way.

Gnats and flies swarmed, a pestilence uncontained,
Yet Pharaoh's defiance remained ingrained.
Livestock fell ill, an epidemic untold,
But Pharaoh's stubbornness could not be controlled.

Boils covered their bodies, a painful infliction,
Yet Pharaoh's heart, it resisted submission.
Hail and fire rained down, devastating the land,
But still Pharaoh's resistance, it did not withstand.

Locusts swarmed in masses, devouring their food,
But Pharaoh's heart hardened, his perspective skewed.
Darkness enveloped, a deep, eerie night,
But Pharaoh's stubbornness held onto its might.

Through these plagues, God revealed His might,
His power and glory shining so bright.
But Pharaoh's heart remained cold and unyielding,
Stubbornly clinging, his destiny sealing.

In these verses, we see the consequences,
Of a heart hardened by pride's defenses.
May we learn from Pharaoh's stubborn plight,
To submit to God's will and walk in His light.

Reflect on these lessons, open your heart,
Let God's truth transform every part.
May you choose obedience, let stubbornness cease,
And find God's deliverance and eternal peace.

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