Water in the scorched desert

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Exodus 17-20

Under the scorching desert sun, they traveled far and wide,
The Israelites, God's chosen people, their journey could not hide.
In Exodus 17, a tale of thirst and strife,
They grumbled and doubted, uncertain of their life.

Moses struck the rock, and water gushed forth,
A miracle of provision, a gift from the North.
But in their weariness, they faced an enemy strong,
The Amalekites attacked, singing a deadly song.

With arms lifted high, Moses stood on the hill,
The staff of God in hand, his heart steady and still.
As long as his hands were raised, the Israelites prevailed,
But when they fell tired, the enemy's strength unveiled.

Aaron and Hur came alongside, offering their support,
A reminder of unity, a lesson God taught.
With arms upheld, they secured the victory,
Witnessing the power of community.

In Exodus 20, on Mount Sinai's crest,
The Israelites received the commandments, the very best.
As thunder clapped and lightning streaked the sky,
God revealed His holy laws, raising spirits high.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul,
And love your neighbor as yourself," the ultimate goal.
The Ten Commandments displayed, a guide to abide,
To live in righteousness, with God as our guide.

Reflect on these teachings, dear friend, and know,
God's presence is with you, wherever you may go.
Like Moses, lift your hands, seek strength from above,
And in community and love, find peace and love.

For in the desert of life, when challenges arise,
God's provision and commandments will be your prize.
So, journey onward, with faith and courage anew,
Knowing God walks with you, faithful and true.

GENE-REVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz