Inheritance claimed

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Genesis 27-30

In Genesis 27, the story unfolds,
Of Isaac and his sons, blessings foretold.
But deception trickled through the air,
As Jacob disguised himself, with Esau unaware.

With savory food and garments worn,
Jacob approached his father, firstborn torn.
"I am Esau," he claimed, voice deep and gruff,
And Isaac, dim-eyed, believed it enough.

The blessings were given, Jacob received,
Despite the deceit, the truth concealed.
Esau, in anger, sought revenge,
But Jacob fled, afraid to avenge.

In Genesis 28, a dream took flight,
As Jacob slept, under starry night.
A ladder connecting earth and heaven,
With angels ascending and descending, seven.

God spoke to Jacob, a promise made,
From his descendants, a great nation arrayed.
In awe, Jacob awakened from sleep,
Awe-stricken and blessed, his faith took a leap.

In Genesis 29, a journey unfolds,
Jacob arrived in Haran, a story yet untold.
He met Rachel, beautiful and fair,
And Laban, her father, with crafty flair.

Jacob worked long, with love in his eyes,
But Laban deceived him, with a cunning guise.
The years passed, and Jacob's love grew,
For Rachel, his beloved, his heart be true.

In Genesis 30, a tale of strife,
Rachel, barren, pleaded for life.
Bilhah and Zilpah, her maids, they bore,
Children for Jacob, a blessing in store.

But rivalry brewed, between Rachel and Leah,
For Jacob's love, they sought to be near.
Through birth and lineage, a competition grew,
Yet in their struggles, God's blessings broke through.

In deceit and rivalry, consequences unfold,
Yet even in brokenness, God's faithfulness is bold.

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