Reunion filled with glee

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Genesis 47-50

Genesis 47, a tale of great provision,
Joseph's wisdom shining in Egypt's dominion.
The famine's grip tightened on the land,
But God's plan unfolded, guided by His hand.

Jacob and his sons sought Pharaoh's aid,
Finding favor and blessings displayed.
They settled in the land of Goshen,
Protected and prospered, a haven.

In Genesis 48, a poignant scene,
Jacob, now Israel, near the end of his glean.
Blessing Joseph's sons, Manasseh and Ephraim,
Reversing hands, the younger blessed by him.

Jacob's words held prophetic power,
A glimpse of the future, blessings to shower.
He spoke of God's faithfulness, His guiding light,
Inheritance passed down, a legacy so bright.

Genesis 49, Jacob's final breath,
Calling his sons, foretelling their path.
Each received a blessing, a word of insight,
Guiding their futures, both day and night.

And finally, in Genesis 50, we see,
The reunion of Joseph's family, filled with glee.
His brothers bowed down, tears streaming down their face,
Forgiveness embraced, love's sweet embrace.

In this tale of triumph and forgiveness,
God's hand guiding, every moment, every witness.
Lessons of providence, mercy, and love,
From the story of Joseph, a gift from above.

Reflect now, dear friend, on this sacred tale,
And how God's faithfulness will never fail.
In every season of life, He's by your side,
Leading, guiding, and being your faithful guide.

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