Eh em febeles

508 31 27

Milani: The image does not belong to me. I saw it on pinterest.

Drew: Ei Meleni

Milani: What?

Gary: Ded je seh de nes?

Milani: What?

Paul: Did you see you the news?

Milani: News about what?

Ash: Michael caught on fire.

Milani: Yeah...I saw that. At least he's doing okay. I bet he feels fabulous now.

Drew: Heh es so febeles.

Milani: What?

Gary: Febeles.

Paul: They meant fabulous.

Milani: Why are you dumb butts talking like that.

Ash: They feel like it.

Gary: Weh pel lek et.

Drew: Gereh persed meh

Paul: Gary said that Drew has to talk like that for a day or else he'll share the Drewbean story to May.

Milani: How'd Gary know about that?

Ash: He eavesdropped when Drew and Paul were talking.

Gary: Hehe.

Milani: Whatever. Fabulous! I don't have any stories for today.

Drew: Neh stereh?

Milani: None.

Gary: Eh em febeles.

Drew: Eh em febeles.

Milani: Weirdos. I'm out!

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