Pokeathlon Human: Finale

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Drew, Jace, Paul, Gary, Ash and Serena: *running normally*

Barry: I so got this! *runs into giant stone*

Brock: Our athletes will also have to look out for giant stone that block their way.

Natsu: *jumps over giant stone*(Is Natsu capable of doing this? Is he? I hope he is. I think he is.)

Crowd: WHOA.

Cilan: Amazing! Natsu Dragneel just jumped over the stone.

Natsu: *reaches checkpoint*

Maddy: *subs in Natsu*

Paul, Jace and Drew: *reaches checkpoint*

Milani: Here I go! *runs*

May: Yay! *runs*

Dawn: No need to worry, Paul. I got this.

Paul: Now I'm worried.

Barry: *reaches checkpoint* I did it! HA! I knew I'm a fast runner. Go, Bianca! Just remember to run! Don't take it easy.

Bianca: Okay! *runs like the usual Bianca* Out of my way! Out of my way! Out of my way!

Ash: I got this! *trip over a stone*

Gary: You're such a loser, Ash. *smashes into a giant stone*

Bianca: Out of my way!!!

Ash: *tries to get up*

Bianca: *bumps Ash* I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! *bows head repeatedly*

Ash: I-it's fine, Bianca.

Misty: Ash!!! Don't mess up!

Ash: Yes, Misty.

Barry: Bianca! RUN!!!

Bianca: Right! *runs* Out of my way!

Serena: *reaches checkpoint* Sorry I took so long, Clemont.

Clemont: Oh great.

Bonnie (from audience): YOU CAN DO IT, CLEMONT!!!

Clemont: *tries to run but he got tired easily*

Brock: Hey guys! Looks our sponsors are here! We can finally know the prize for winning the Pokeathlon Human!

Cilan: They get an amazing gold medal, an awesome trophy...

Brock and Cilan: And a year supply of ramen!!!

May: Year supply of ramen?! MIIINNNNNEEEEE!!!!!! *runs like crazy and returns to checkpoint* Drew Hayden, run quickly!!!

Drew: Uhh..yes, ma'am! *runs like there's no tomorrow*

Ash and Gary: *finally reaches checkpoint*

Ash: May was really quick.

Gary: Yup.

Misty: Ash Ketchum, you're slow. *runs quickly*

Leaf: You're an idiot, Gary Oak. *runs quickly*

(Le Time Skip...)

May would run quickly all the time.

Barry and Bianca are actually doing well.

Natsu is still jumping over giant stones.

Milani is quicker than usual.

Clemont is still slow.

(Now...to the end of the event)

Brock: And that is it for the Relay Run!!!

Cilan: We are officially done with all our events!

Brock: First...let's have a breakdown of the score for this event!

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