Mad Libs Part 2

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Milani: Let's cut to the chase!

Jace: Here's part 101.

Milani: Let's start with Iris and Bianca.

Bianca: HOORAY! I want to pick the words!

Iris: Fine.

Milani: Let's begin!

Iris: Silly Name?

Bianca: Barry Berry

Barry: HEY!

Iris: Silly word?

Bianca: Banana

Drew: It's not that silly.

Iris: Verb?

Bianca: Skip

Iris: Noun?

Bianca: Cotton Candy.

Iris: Plural body parts.

Bianca: Ears

Iris: Female Friend?

Bianca: IRIS!

Iris: Oh no. Verb ending in –ed?

Bianca: Danced.

Iris: Noun?

Bianca: Waffle.

Iris: Plural noun?

Bianca: Zoruas.

Iris: Verb?

Bianca: Wiggle

Iris: Noun?

Bianca: Wigglytuff!

Iris: Occupation?

Bianca: Comedian.

Iris: Number?

Bianca: 777.

Iris: Verb?

Bianca: Escape.

Iris: Silly word?

Bianca: Banana-rama.

Iris: Silly Name?

Bianca: The Fab Lord.

Cilan: Hehe...

Milani: That's not silly.

Iris: So...this one is called Can I Have Your Daughter's Hand?

Bianca: OOH!

Elemeno: Something about a daughter's hand by Iris and Bianca.

Iris: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barry Berry Banana, Will you let me skip your cotton candy? Ever since I have laid ears on Iris, I have danced madly in love with her. I wish that she will be the waffle of my Zoruas and that someday we will wiggle happily ever after. I have a Wigglytuff as a comedian that pays $777 each month. I promise to escape Iris with kindness and respect. Sincerely, Banana-Rama The Fab Lord.

Bianca: Yay!

Milani: And they wiggled happily ever after.

Gary and Gold: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!

Drew: Let me skip your cotton candy. What's that supposed to mean?

Milani: Next up is Clemont and Barry!

Barry: Finally.

Clemont: Here we go. Barry, you can choose the words.

Barry: AW RIGHT!

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