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As the seven males sang, the trio of females could tell why Ayano had been friends with the seven of them. They had a lot of talent and it showed that they worked very well with one another. After the males had finished singing behind them on the door showed a bit of Ayano's past that none of them knew.

Ayano was at the young age of ten years old, she was in the hospital with bandages around her wrists up to her elbows. She looked very pale and very depressed-beside her was her parents who looked displeased seeing her in such a condition

"Why must you make everything so dramatically, today we were supposed to be going out to celebrate your younger sisters half birthday and you just had to go be a drama queen. For once why can't you just be happy for your younger sister and all of her accomplishments?" Her mother stated ashamed of her

"Your younger sister will always be better than you, you have to stop with this nonsense of you being 'depressed' and having 'anxiety' they don't exist. Once you start acting like our daughter we will give you the same attention we give our beloved daughter, until then don't even think about having us call you our 'daughter'." Her father said with a scoff

The two of them then left her there on her own to cry and be miserable about her own mental state, when her parents got her she was stoic and didn't show anything. She didn't even talk to her parents, when they got home she was forgotten when they would eat meals and would forget her for years for holidays and for birthday celebrations. Ayano had to always leave the house and go to her grandparents house just to get fed-which would always get her scolded for leaving the house without them and going to her grandparents when they had food there for her.

When she'd speak up about not having been fed they called her a liar and sent her to her room and grounded her for her lies. But it didn't stop her from going to her grandparents to be fed until one day CPS came by and they 'faked' being a 'happy family' and told the CPS person that they were doing everything they were supposed to for their daughters. CPS didn't believe them and took both of the kids separately and asked them questions. The first was Liya who answered the questions with positive answers. Then it was Ayano's turn and she just looked down at her hands and didn't say a word after the questions were asked to her. The CPS worker looked at her sadly and placed a hand on hers.

"Hey it's okay, you aren't going to be in trouble for telling me the truth."

Ayano teared up as she looked up at the worker. "I don't know why I'm alive! Ever since I was ten years old my parents have been ignoring me! For years I've had to go to my grandparents to be fed! They don't feed me, make me a part of anything for holidays or celebrate my birthday just because I had a very bad depression episode in school and cut both of my arms because I was being bullied so badly in school. They told me that they wouldn't acknowledge me as their daughter because I wasn't 'normal' like Liya is! I'm not their 'perfect' daughter and because of that I get left behind and left on my own so much." ayano said sobbing out in her hands

The worker shook their head before they sighed out. "Look honey, it's not on you for how your parents treated you. I'm sorry you went through that, but it'll never happen again I promise." The worker said before she was dismissed.

After the worker left a half hour later-Ayano was thrown into her room and abused by her father for telling 'lies' to the CPS worker. Ayano wasn't allowed out of her room for days until her grandmother took care of her when she had came by to see how things were. Seeing that things were worse she kept Ayano for a year and half before allowed Ayano back to her family when the CPS worker came back. Ayano didn't say anything when she was talked to and the worker was saddened that she had turned mute on them. But due to her turning mute the worker had told her parents that they better shape up or both of their children will be taken from them by force.

Once the worker left ayano was harshly talked to in her room. "First you tell lies now you won't say a word! Why can't you do anything right?!" Her mother yelled

"Stupid bitch!" Her father yelled before slapping her hard against her face "I can't believe we adopted such a disgrace!"

The doors went black before things turned light again. Liya's eyes widen in shock as she realized the woman who she thought was her elder sister by blood wasn't even her blood sister. She teared up seeing the things that had happened to her sister. "A-Ayano..."

The seven males were stunned to see what had happened with Ayano, they knew that she had mentioned that she had a hard past and that she could understand Riku's problem with his asthma but they didn't think that she was being serious about it. Akara shook her head and walked up to the door. "I knew most of that from when Ayano had came to me for help. That doesn't shock me in the slightest. Liya your parents have never loved Ayano-suck it up. Grow up and move on. You should have known your parents never loved Ayano."

She then opened the doors with both of her hands and continued walking forward. "I'm finding my best friend whether it kills me or not."

The other two girls soon followed after her with the seven males right behind them. They didn't understand why they were seeing Ayano's past, why did things happen how they had for Ayano? Why were they trapped in a place where they had no signal and couldn't contact other people. The next group they managed to see was a six male group who were trying to figure out how to get out of where they were. When they saw Idolish7 and the trio of females the leader of the male group looked at the blond female.

"Where's Ayano?"

"We don't know where our leader is, all we know is that she is somewhere here. After Idolish7 managed to perform we saw part of Aya's past. My guess is that all of you are here cause of something you all did or didn't do. Then lastly Liya, Mika and I are here cause we are her bandmates that didn't look for her. Something is going on and we need to figure out what." Akara said seriously

At that time Hajime had managed to get a message on his phone from Ayano's number. 'Promise of one is a promise of six' As he read the message there was a stage and six microphones with their different colors on the mics this time on the cloths it was crescent moons. Akara shook her head. "I knew this was going to happen. Do you boys have a song the six of you could show Ayano that you aren't liars?"

Hajime looked to Haru before he nodded his head, Hajime then looked at Akara. "We do, I just hope that it's enough."

"If you mean it with all of your heart we'll see something after you six get finished singing." Liya said sincerely with her hands together

Mika nodded her head. "Let's see what you boys can do. Liya, Akara and I are all worried sick about our leader."

"Alright Six Gravity time to get into gear. If ayano needs to reassurance we need to give it to her." Hajime said seriously

The other members went to their mic as he went to his before the music started, it was rather obvious that ayano was thinking the same as the duo who knew what song they needed to sing to get a point across to Ayano.

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