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All six males were concerned for Ayano as they heard her speak. "Mind elaborating for us?" Hajime asked curiously

Ayano took a deep breath and she placed her hands together. "I was never able to do a lot of things because of my father. I was never allowed to have my hair be shorter or longer than a certain length. I was never allowed to get off of my medication or get 'help' to get 'better'. I was never able to date or get close to males that my father thought would be a potential threat to my 'innocent' image. I thought it was just because he was being protective over me, since I found out he was my father...but that isn't the case at all. It's all because he wanted me to be just like the woman that birthed me. I have no idea who my mother is or what she was like. So the fact that he was sick enough to think such a thing about me make me sick to my stomach."

All of them looked at her stunned. "We all thought it was weird your manager was so strict with you." Kakuru said sadly

"Yeah well he isn't my manager anymore, I ripped him of that title days ago."

"So what has happened with Raging that makes you not want to be there?" Arata asked curiously

"Sumeragi and I were supposed to come out in two days stating we were a 'couple' and that we were doing a bunch of things that are just too much for my girls and I to do at once. One of the things that Sumeragi and I were supposed to do was a rather intimate movie that was out of my comfort zone. Even though Raging assured me that nothing really happens-the idiot thought that it'd be a great damn idea to spike up my paranoia and anxiety by making me question myself. For too long I've had people push me down making me feel like I'm not worthy of being loved and cherished. I would have thought out of all of the people I would have been around someone who had an infatuation with me like he did would understand that. But nope. He kept making me second guess myself, which made me stutter while I talked with him. He kept teasing me for it and I couldn't stand it so I left for a hotel room." She said sadly

Hearing all that happened it was obvious what had happened. Hajime got up and he went in front of ayano before he bent down and met her eyes with his. "You are welcome to stay here for as long as you wish. No one should be forced to do something they don't want like that. You are among friends here. And I'm not just saying those from Six Gravity either, Procella are your friends as well."

Ayano teared up hearing him speak. "T-Thank you for saying that Hajime. I-It means a lot that I still have you guys for my friends. I...I really hoped that I didn't lose you guys as my friends after what had happened."

"The twelve of us knew something was up and weren't going to take everything that was said to heart till we talked with you about it all face to face. Now you look really tired, you should rest while you can." Hajime said with a small smile

"O-Okay...B-But where will I sleep?" She asked concerned

Aoi placed his hand on her arm softly. "By me, I was the one that got you. Don't worry it's not a bother to me at all."

"O....Okay T-thank you guys...really."

Aoi and Ayano left out and went down the hall together. Aoi showed her to his room so she could change her clothes as she did he called up Liya who answered quickly. "Hey Aoi, were you able to get in contact with my sis?"

"Yeah, Six Gravity is housing her for now. Tell that male Sumeragi that he needs to stay the hell away from Aya. He has scared the hell out of her, he made her have a melt down that I had to save her out of. I don't care if he's supposed to be her boyfriend. Significant others don't make their lovers go into the deep end like he made her be like!"

Liya was silent as she heard him speak. "Something tells me I'm missing something."

"that male tried to push himself onto aya when she isn't ready for something like that. She was in the midst of a panic attack when he kept questioning her instead of backing away from her and leaving her the hell alone. She left because she needed space and time to herself. No one should be forcing themselves onto her like that!" Aoi said seriously

"Oh shit...alright, I get ya Aoi. I'll be sure that he knows. Here I thought they'd be perfect for one another but looks like they're not. Welp looks like we'll have to figure something out."

"Don't get comfortable there, I don't think Aya will be allowing you girls to stay there for much longer." Aoi said before he hung up the call

Once he did, the door to his room opened and he saw Ayano wearing a light blue pajama set as she was holding a plush pig in her arm. Aoi smiled a little at her. "Ready to sleep now Aya?"

She nodded her head. "T-Thank you for allowing me to be here with you tonight Aoi, it is very sweet of you."

"After all of the things you've gone through-it's the least that I can do." He said with a smile as he came into this room

He shut his door letting it be opened a crack as he placed his phone on it's charger. He then lied down on his bed and patted beside him for Ayano to sleep beside him. She went onto the other side of the bed and lied beside him as she cuddled up closely to him. Between the two of them was her plush pig which left a small gap between the two of them. While she slept beside him, Aoi couldn't help but feel slightly flustered that she had agreed to sleep beside him. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep with her in his arms. It was a half hour before Ayano had gotten up leaving Aoi alone in his room, she went down the hall once more and saw that those from Six Gravity had already gone to bed and the only one up was Shun who smiled seeing her.

"I had been warned about you being here. Are you alright Aya?" Shun asked as he looked up from his book

She shook her head no. "I feel uncomfortable sleeping beside one of you guys."

"Understandable." He said as he shut his book before he pulled the coffee table back a bit and pulled the cushions for the couch off

He then pulled a small bed out of the couch. "This should work for you for now. You need your rest after such a stressful time over the last few days."

She nodded her head and gave him a small smile. "Thank you Shun."

She lied on the bed and curled up with her plush pig as she had her eyes shut for only a moment before she could hear lights being turned off and a door being shut meaning that Shun had left her alone. She set an alarm on her phone as she had it charging through a portable charger. Ayano woke up at five in the morning and she placed the couch back together after placing the bed back to how it was.

Ayano then dressed herself and just chose to scroll through things online. She hated it that people didn't know that it was her birthday so she didn't see any posts about her birthday until she saw a post by someone who had Riku's name as their user. Slowly following that one there were many posts saying 'happy birthday' to her.

She teared up seeing the posts which made her smile a little bit. It wasn't long afterwards she heard two of the males come from the halls. "Oh hey Ayano, Happy birthday. "You said with a smile

"Did you sleep alright?" Kai asked

She nodded her head to Kai's question before she smiled at what You said. "Thanks You. And yes I did Kai."

"Good glad to hear it. You don't have anything planned today do you?" Kai asked

She shook her head no. "I don't."

"Good, Once I get back from my morning jog you're going to be spending your morning with us from Procella." He said before he left out

-End of Book, Next chapter will be next book!-

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