Book Two:2

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The two girls looked at Ayano concerned "You don't look happy to see us." Mika commented

"Why would I? I was forced to be around someone I don't connect with."

"But you said yourself that you liked him." Liya stated

"Did I?"

Liya was quiet as she sighed out "Wait you weren't in love Kira?" She asked after a bit of thinking

"No, he has an infatuation with me but that's about it." Ayano said with a shrug

"Well that makes things interesting." Mika said as she looked to Liya

"No kidding."

"What are you two talking about?" Ayano asked unamused

"They told HEAVENS that you would be back tonight, that they'd talk with you about how you 'over reacted' last night." Aoi stated shaking his head

Ayano stared at Mika and Liya. "Call one of those boys and tell them that your stubborn bull leader refuses to be around someone who wishes to rape her." She hissed before she looked at Six Gravity. "So what are you six going to do with me today?"

Aoi gave her a small smile and hugged her tightly. "Happy birthday." He said as he hugged her

She hugged him back and thanked him before he and Arata took her back towards the amusement park rides. As they were walking around Ayano saw the teal haired male crying on the bench to three males. But chose not to acknowledge the male as Arata had taken her to a ride he thought she'd enjoy playing. Seeing what it was, her eyes lit up and she smiled at Arata. "I hope you two know I'm not going easy on you two."

"I wouldn't expect you to." Aoi said with a light chuckle

When it was their turn she went into a purple buggy and she went searching for the boys only to see that not far behind them was the four males who managed to also be in the same round as them. When they were told they could go she first went for Aoi and Arata which was easy for her since she knew how to drive, afterwards she went after the cry baby that had snapped at her earlier that day and his stupid bandmates. Aoi was only able to hit her twice before the ride was over with. The second time he managed to hit her was seconds before the ride was over for them. Aoi got up and he helped her out of the buggy which she thanked him for.

They met up with Arata who was waiting for them before they left out together. Once they got done with two more rides Koi and Kakuru were waiting for them and took over spending time with Ayano. they were able to go on a few rides together before Hajime and Haru told them that it was time for them to go. So all of them left out, Ayano noticed that Mika and Liya weren't around.

"Where are the two girls?" Ayano asked Hajime

"They're at where we're going to be taking you Aya. Don't worry they are safe."

"Alright, as long as they are safe."

"By the way Ayano, it seems like that male you were around didn't see it as you do." Haru stated

She let out a small sigh. "Of course he doesn't, he was the one who tried to get touchy with me. I'm not ready for something like that." She said shaking her head

When they got to a small venue she was confused as she looked at the six males. "Okay what the hell guys?"

Aoi smiled at her. "Just please trust us for a bit."

"Just this once I'll give you six a bit of my trust."

Koi went in front of her and placed a bandanna over her eyes before Arata and Kakuru had guided her into the venue. When they had gotten into the venue Ayano could feel that she was being stared at but didn't mention it as she wanted to trust those she was around. As she was stopped by Aoi who had his hands on her shoulders, Koi took the bandanna off of her eyes as she saw people who she was friends with around the venue as the venue was decorated for her birthday with a 'happy birthday' banner taped on one of the walls.

"Happy birthday Aya!" They said in unison

Ayano teared up as she covered her mouth, she truly didn't think that she'd get a party let alone a surprise party. "G-Guys...Y-You didn't need to do this."

"Oh bull shit, don't say shit like that when you've never had a damn birthday woman." Yamato said as he went up to her and pinched her cheek

"Owwie! Yama!!!" Ayano whined out

He patted the top of her head softly "We all pitched in to make this happen. We wanted to show you just how special you are to us."

Ayano rubbed her face as she saw that those from STARISH, QUARTET NIGHT and HEAVENS weren't there. "I see those from Raging and Shining entertainment aren't here."

"Yeah well that's because the guys for HEAVENS didn't like that you accused Kira of almost raping you." Liya stated

"And after hearing that you were around HEAVENS, STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT chose to close contact with us." Mika stated

Ayano scoffed. "So much for those bastards being my friends."

"Aya! We figured if they weren't going to be friends with you that we could introduce you to other people that could probably be better friends with you." Riku said happily

Ayano saw the four she saw at the amusement park plush three more she knew as TRIGGER. "So you think I'd get along with those from TRIGGER and the cry baby being baby sat by the rest of ZOOL huh Riku?" She said as she went from looking at the males before looking at Riku

"Tenn-nii is my brother, so I'm hoping that you'd be friends with him and TRIGGER at least." He said with a small smile

She went up to the trio and bowed to the three of them. "Thank you for coming here even though you didn't have to."

"Of course, we've seen how your group has been as of late. Yaotome studio's wants to take you girls in if you still need a place to go." The silver haired male stated with a small smile

Ayano raised an eyebrow at him. "You must be the groups leader to speak so boldly."

The male nodded his head. "I'm Gaku."

"Ahn, well Gaku. I'll take your offer into consideration and get back to you sometime tonight if things don't go right with Sweet Angels and HEAVENS."

He nodded his head. "Very well, I'll be looking forward to hearing from you." He said as he gave her a business card

She took it with both of her hands and nodded her head. "Very well. We'll see." She said before she looked at the quartet of males who stood not far from them

Her eyes landed on the youngest who stiffened seeing that her eyes were on him. "C-Can you please stop lookin' at me like that?!"

She walked up to them quietly before she pinched his cheeks with both of her hands. "Respect your elders before you are kneeling down in pain." She said with no emotion in her voice

She then looked at the red haired male of the lot of them. "Your eyes have been watching me like a hawk which makes me believe you're their leader."

"Your assumption is right. I'm Toma the leader of ZOOL."

"Get a leash for your child before he ends up tarnishing the name of ZOOL with that sour attitude of his." She stated bluntly

Toma chuckled a bit "You're an amusing woman that's for sure, you don't hold yourself back do you?"

She shook her head before she looked behind her to her younger sister. "Baby sis, tell these boys-have I ever been one to hold my tongue when I speak?"

Liya shook her head no quickly. "Goodness no! You're the most blunt woman and person I've ever known big sissy."

She then looked back to Toma. "There you have it. Don't have too much fun here kid." She stated before she went up to those she did know and enjoyed the party they set up for her

It made her happy that she was able to spend the afternoon and part of her evening with those that cared for her. She even gained TRIGGER as friends to her. A few of them gave her presents which she was thankful for. Mika took the presents to her car before they all went their separate ways. Once Mika had driven them back to Raging studios Kira and Eiichi were waiting for them

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