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A few people in HEAVENS were too afraid to speak after what they had seen Ayano do to Asaya who had been friendly towards all of them. It was Kira that spoke up as he had placed his hand on Ayano's shoulder. "Was that necessary for you to do Ayano?" He asked looking down to her

She nodded her head. "Ever since she was given the green light to be a part of Sweet Angels she's acted completely off and thinks she's this big hot shot when the world doesn't know what she can do. Sure she's the replacement for Akara someone who has back stabbed me and Sweet Angels but that doesn't mean that it gives her free rein to do what she wants to who she wants. "

"She mentioned that your manager is your father is that true?" Eiichi asked

"It's true, her and I's father is in fact our manager. Work first then personal later. It was the agreement our manager and I made when I had finally made that connection years ago. When I had been selected I had been kicked out of being out of the adopted house I grew up in, I was living on my own living pay check to pay check working at a coinvent store. One of my fellow associates at the time thought it'd be funny to lower the music we were listening to and have my voice be ringing throughout the entire darn store. It's how my manager found me and told me if I entered in his studio that I would be the leader of the group."

"So you took it?"Van asked

She nodded her head. "It would have been better than dealing with the good for nothings I dealt with before, plus it reunited me with Liya. The only person at this rate I will see as a younger sister."

"Wait-so what's actually going on with your group?" Nagi said confused

Ayano chuckled a bit. "It can be confusing. Allow me to explain to you guys. Liya is my adoptive younger sister she is eighteen years old. She the woman that I knew as my younger sister for most of my life from the time I was raised by her crappy parents to the time I was threatened, disowned and kicked out of where she lived at the age of sixteen. Then there was Akara-Akara used to be my only friend while I was in school. But she back stabbed me, she showed a side to me that I couldn't trust and tried to act like nothing was wrong when she was plotting with my ex-adoptive parents to kill me days ago."

Liya looked down sadly "I still haven't gotten the chance to talk to them about that. I hate that they did that to you."

"I'll live Liya, I have you and Mika who I know won't ever go behind my back and do something that stupid." Ayano said with a small smile to the raven female

Liya looked at Ayano with a small smile. "Right, we wouldn't ever do that to you. We value you too much sis."

"Mika was a stranger to me when I had met up with her. But she has slowly become my friend and a trusted friend that I know will always have my back." Ayano stated

Mika nodded her head. "I'm never gonna betray that. You're stuck with me forever missy."

Ayano giggled a bit. "Good to know. Now...with Asaya...oh geez where to start. It was two years ago when I met up with Asaya in a closed off audition that was just our manager and I. Liya, Mika and Akara had no knowledge of him and I doing the audition. Manager wanted it to be a surprise for Liya and Mika. Manager and I weren't going to Kick out Akara until she showed her true colors-which sadly was at our last concert."

"How dare you do that to me! That hurts! My beautiful face is bloody now!" Asaya whined out

"Your face is just as ugly as mine, shut up and take care of it brat." Ayano said not even looking at her

Once Asaya had ran to get the blood off of her face Ayano sighed out. "Asaya and I had been meeting in secret from time to time, she's had the attitude you all saw her have with me when I came into the dorms from the moment she realized we were relatives and that our father is our manager. She doesn't understand the amount of stress and pressure it takes to wear the name of our fathers family and to go out there and do what we do. The first thing that Asaya and I did together she completely messed up with her performance. I had to wing it and make it seem like it was intentional. She isn't ready to be an idol yet, she can't balance being an idol an a student."

"Did you really have to smash your sisters head into the wall?" Her father said with a sigh

"I have witnesses, she blew up in my face like a bratty female dog. You gave me free rein to do what I want since I'm an adult and she was scolding me as if it was her job to keep me on a leash. I was just putting her back in her place. She disrespected me so it was only natural that I did something to remind her who she is dealing with." Ayano said as she looked at her father

He looked to Liya and Mika who nodded their heads. "Asaya was out of line, Ayano did what she had to just to get her to be quiet. Ayano already had to put her in line once today when she argued with me about being her sister." Liya said sadly

"Really? Her and I talked about that. She can't tell you that you aren't her sister-legally speaking you are her sister even if it isn't by blood." The elder male said with a sigh

"Well tell that to Asaya because I'm about to lose my patience's with her. She isn't mature enough to deal with being a student and an idol!" ayano said seriously

"How old is she?" Nagi asked

"Sixteen." Ayano said with a sigh

"That's older than I was when I first started being an idol, if she can't see that she's going to pull you guys down then I don't see why having her be a part of your group is needed." Nagi said as he was in thought

Ayano looked at her father. "Father, if you cannot get her in line I'm not having her be part of Sweet Angels. I'm not fighting with her about that either. She isn't listening to me and it's starting to irk me."

"Alright-alright. I'll deal with the situation. Just try to stay calm Ayano."

She nodded her head as she took a deep breath. "This is nonsense." She said with a frown

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