Book two: 21

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When Ayano and Gaku finally made it to the meeting building where the others were, Rena's eyes lit up seeing Ayano. "Aya Senpai!"

Ayano smiled seeing the teal haired female. "Afternoon Re-re. Calm yourself you don't want to end up over doing yourself."

"R-Right...I'm just so super excited to work with you and Tsukia senpai."

"That's all well and fine, but pace yourself." Ayano said with a smile "Now what are you having us all do?"

"Oh! Right...well I was told by Tsukia senpai that they had to work in I have four different projects I'd like to place out there but if they can't do them solo, I figured since you and your boyfriend already did stuff together that you two could help too."

"Kura what's your thoughts on this?" Ayano asked

"It's true that Liya, Mika and the two boys have to work together. But you and Yaotome don't have to if you two don't want to. So in reality all four of the things she wants to place out can be done."

Ayano was in thought as she hummed out before she looked at Rena curiously. "Re-re sweetie, mind me seeing what you have going on right now?"

Rena nodded her head and quickly got copies of everything for Ayano before she gave them to her. "Here you go senpai."

"Thank you."

Ayano looked at what they had to do as Gaku leaned his head against her shoulder looking at what the papers as well before he took one of them out of the folder. "This one looks interesting, what exactly did you have planned for this one Ashina?" Gaku asked as he showed her what he pulled out of the folder

Her eyes lit up happily and smiled at Gaku. "That one is promoting a minty chocolate." she said before she went through the box she had with her. 

Once she found what she wanted, she took the small box out and gave him a wrapped up chocolate. "This is what will be promoted."

He took it and opened it before eating it, his eyebrows furrowed a bit before he looked at Rena. "Do you make your chocolates?"

"Yes I do."

"I see, it defiently has a distinct taste. I tasted more chocolate than the mint."

Rena looked perplexed "Oh...I see. Well I'm glad that I have people who aren't like me that can eat regular foods to tell me just what's wrong with the chocolates I make. Some of them I can't eat cause of my diet."

"So Ayano isn't the only one with that diet, interesting. What are the others that you are going to have us do?" Gaku asked curiously

she took the other boxes she had out and gave one of each to him. "Here. There's a peanut butter one, a toffee one and a cherry filled one."

Ayano and Mika raised an eyebrow at Rena. "Why Cherry? You hate cherries." Mika asked confused

"I specifically made that one to go against the cherry filled one my father placed out last year. I wanted to show him how it's done since his epically failed out. Apparently the cherry one he had made were ones that still had the cherry pits still in them. People disliked them lots. So I tried something differently for the cherry filled one." Rena stated "True I hate Cherry but I didn't make that one completely. I had my assistant Haru help me out with it, apparently he has a younger sister who has the same diet and was more than happy to help me with it."

Ayano raised an eyebrow at Rena but said nothing as her attention was on Gaku as he tried each of the candies he was given by Rena. He looked back to her and motioned for her to get closer to him. So she did and he gave her the peanut butter one. "You'll like this one."

She tried a bite of it and instantly she smiled and hummed out in delight. "So sweet! Rena you did good on this one!"

Rena smiled and bowed her head towards Ayano. "I'm glad to hear that."

Gaku then spoke up as he smiled at Rena. "Other than the mint one you did rather well. Your cherry chocolate one was rather good. I liked how you didn't place a whole cherry in it and instead made it into a soft paste instead."

"Oh you noticed! I'm glad!" Rena said with a smile "So, as a personal opinion Yaotome, what do you think the others should do?"

Gaku was in thought before he got the folder from Rena, he looked through it before he gave Rena. "This one should be Ryu and Mika, then Tenn and Liya should do this one." He said as he gave her two of the papers.

Rena looked at them before she looked up at Gaku. "Okay, I can see my senpai doing that one. Alright I see a method to what your sayin'. So that would mean you and Aya would do the other two right?"

"Correct. You should work on the two small groups first before working with Aya and I." Gaku said with a nod of his head

Rena nodded her head. "Sure thing, I can work with that."

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