Book Two:10

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Tenn narrowed his eyes at the elder raven haired female. "If it scares you why are you an idol? It is part of being one. Sometimes you will have to be on stage and be the center of attention."

Ayano frowned as she looked down at her hands. Liya growled a bit as she glared at Tenn. "Tenn you've been a dickless asshole since we got into the elevator this morning. Did you have dick flakes this morning or something because I'm not having Aya, Mi and I deal with your shit! You don't know what our lives have been before being a part of this place. So you have no room to talk!"

"If you are so adamant about standing up for that woman, you tell me-why is she so against being in the spot light?"Tenn asked Liya with a raised eyebrow

"Being adopted by my heartless asshole parents have made her have little to no self confidence in herself. The entire time she has been trying to get herself to have confidence my parents have been there to tear her down and make her feel like she's nothing. Sure she isn't close to being as talented as I've gotten, but that's because my parents spoiled me. They had asked me after I had graduated high school just what I wanted to do with myself and when they found out that I wanted to be an idol they got me a dancing tutor and a tutor to help with my singing and pitch. They wanted me to be able to do what I wanted. While I was doing what I wished-Ayano was struggling with her self worth. From the time she was ten to still today she's constantly being told by my parents that she's 'worthless' and 'useless' that she should die or leave Sweet Angels. It's because of their constant threats and harsh taunts that she fears being on stage and fears being on camera so much. She doesn't want anymore comments from my parents about how different she is from me." Liya said seriously

Tenn was quiet as he heard Liya speak, once he finished hearing what was said he looked at Ayano. "So, you believe those people that adopted you?"

"Most of the time...yes." Ayano said sadly

"Tell me honestly-your birth father. Has he ever said anything about your talent?" Tenn asked

Ayano shook her head no as she refused to look up at the younger male, Tenn sighed out as he rubbed between his eyes. "Very well then, I guess I truly have no say in what is to happen with her. If her own blood father doesn't compliment her in what she does while her adoptive parents have. It just shows who pays attention to her. Even if it is in a negative light."

Ayano then spoke up. "The only reason my father wouldn't speak a word to me about what I'd do is because he wouldn't see me. He'd see my deceased mother. He's been trying for too long to keep that the only reason he has me as the leader of Sweet Angels is because of how I look. There is no other reason for it." Ayano said sadly

"That's a bit messed up though, you aren't your mother. Your talents are your own, not your mothers." Ryu said sadly

"I know that, so do the girls I work with. But my father? He refuses to see me for myself, and because of that specific reason I refuse to see him as my manager anymore. I can't deal with someone who is obsessed with the dead like he is."

Yosuke spoke up at that time and looked at the six of them. "Mika, Liya you two do have talent I won't deny that. But due to the contract that was signed on the third Ayano must be the lead."

Liya and Mika looked at Ayano sadly as she let out a sad sigh "Very well, if that's how must be then so be it. I'll do what I can to make sure things go smoothly."

Yosuke got up and he went to stand between the two groups. "This movie will kick start many projects that will happen between Trigger and Sweet Angels. The only thing that needs to happen is I need to find a manager to keep track of what's in store for you girls." Yosuke said seriously

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