Book Two:5

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The three girls ended up sleeping in the living room together. Liya cuddled close to her elder sister as Mika slept on the small couch alone. The first one of the three of them to wake up was Ayano. She got Liya from holding onto her before she went to use the bathroom. As she left out and went to get her laptop from her suit case she saw the three males come down to the ground floor.

"Morning gents." She said with a small smile

"Oh...hey Ayano. We didn't expect to see you here." Tenn stated

Ayano sighed out "I just went to get my bag from tsukiuta dorms. That's all. I wasn't going to stay there when my girls need me." She said as she typed on her laptop

"You really are dedicated to those two aren't you?" Ryu asked as he yawned

"I am, it's because of their dedication towards me. The three of us boost each other up as much as possible to be where we are today." Ayano explained not looking up at them

"Are you always such an early bird?" Tenn asked

"Naturally I've always woken up early, so yeah. My body has never allowed me to sleep past six am no matter what time I go to sleep."

As the three of them were talking with her, they had gotten themselves breakfast. "Ando, have you eaten at all?" Gaku asked

"Nope, I don't want to eat until my girls are up." She said shaking her head

"Very well then."

Ayano soon found a small apartment with three bedrooms not far from where they were. She called the number to look at the place and stepped out for a bit. As she did she completely ignored how the three males had came out of their rooms like. When she came back into the apartment she stopped in her tracks as she had finally realized how the three males had gotten out of their rooms like.

"You three really don't care there are three strange females in your apartment do you?" She commented

"Not really." Ryu said as he ate his breakfast

Ayano wanted to say something but chose not to as she went to wake up Mika and Liya. When she got the girls up, they were rather confused as to why she had woken them up. "Girl don't you know what time it is?" Mika whined out

"Yes, and I apologize for this girls. But I found a place for us to call home not far from here. Get yourselves together. We're going there to see it this morning. Afterwards I'll take you girls out to breakfast."

Hearing that they'd eat afterwards Liya got up and got herself together, Mika scoffed a bit. "Of course she'd move if it involves food."

"Liya has always been a foodie that isn't surprising for me to see that she was so quick to get up. What about you Mika?"

"Depends on where you're taking us."

"Depends on where you girls wanna go."

Hearing that Mika bolted up and got herself together, Ayano chuckled a bit and smiled. "That's what I thought."

Ayano then waited for the girls outside of the apartment with her keys in hand, once she saw the duo the three of them got into Ayano's car and she drove them to where Ayano had found a place for them to live. When they had gotten to the place ayano parked in the drive way before she got out with the other two girls. As they did one of the neighbors came out of their house to shout at them only for the owner of the building to go up to the three of them.

"Which one of you ladies is Ando Ayano?" The female asked

Ayano smiled. "That'd be me ma'am."

"Ahn, I have everything ready inside if this right for you and the two ladies with you."

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