Book Two:4

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When the trio got out of the room, Ayano was hugged tightly by both females which surprised her. "Mika? Liya?"

It wasn't long before she heard the two girls crying against her, she let out a long sigh before she petted the back of their heads softly. "There-there girls, it's alright.".

It was Liya who spoke up first out of the two of them. "Do you truly think what you said to that man?"

Ayano crossed her arms as she looked at Liya. "I say what I mean, and mean what I say. Liya you are the most talented out of the three of us. And Mika, you are indeed the most charismatic out of all of us if you had the confidence to place yourself out there. I want to be able to help you two be out there just as much as my perverted father placed me out there when Sweet Angels first started up."

Mika and Liya wiped the tears from their eyes before they smiled at Ayano. "Thank you for saying what you had to that man. We're both surprised that you had been so straight to the point with him."

"I found old pictures of my parents with a few people that I never seen before. Obviously my parents were once in the greater small circle of the nation but fell out of it somehow. One of the people that I saw was that man. No doubt he would have commented about me and about how I look just like my mother." Ayano stated

"...and he did. Meaning that you were right to assume that. Which meant that it wasn't something that came as a shock to you." Liya stated shocked

"Mhm, exactly sis. Exactly. Now let's wait downstairs for TRIGGER."

They nodded their heads and the three girls waited on the ground floor for the three males which didn't take long before the three of them managed to get come down with the pink haired female. "Did you three drive here?" Tenn asked

Ayano nodded her head. "I drove us here."

"Follow our car, our manager Kaoru will be taking us back to our apartment." Tenn stated

"Sure thing. The girls will be dropped off there but I'll be going to the dorms for Six Gravity and Procella where I currently have my suit case that has my medication and clothes"

"That's fine, as long as you come back for Liya and Mika."

Ayano nodded her head and the lot of them left out. When the girls got into the car Liya leaned against the compartment between the passenger and Drivers seat. "So that's where you went last night huh? Did you close and comfortable with anyone sis?" She asked with a grin

"Nope, Shun was nice enough to place out a futon bed that was inside of their large couch for me. I slept there since I didn't feel safe enough to sleep beside anyone."

Liya frowned. "Kira really fucked up didn't he?"

"Sumeragi made me never want to trust males ever again." Ayano stated seriously as she followed after the pink haired female

Mika felt bad for Ayano. "We really shouldn't have pushed you to be around him...that's on us."

"You two just placed your opinions out there. Which there's nothing wrong with that. It was him forcing himself into my life that really peeved me. He wouldn't even let me get used to that place before he got close to me. Even then, he tried to force himself onto me not even an hour after I found out that he had made it so we were in the same room together. I need my space. Being around someone else for so long can be suffocating to me. I hated that he had talked to raging about that and didn't even talk to me about it first."

Liya and Mika looked at Ayano sadly "We thought it was odd that things had gone so quickly between you and him. But we didn't want to say anything since it wasn't our business." Mika stated

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