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Reiji went up to her and knelt down so they were eye to eye with one another. "You're used to not trusting anyone. You had your childhood stolen from you, you were brought up thinking that one one would care about you. But that's not true." He said sincerely to her

She looked at him with her head tilted to the side. "It's not?"

He shook his head before he looked at Liya and Mika. "Move to the side will you please?"

The two girls nodded their heads and move to either side of the stage, when they did the child version of Ayano could see that more than a few of them were still in tears seeing what they had of Ayano's life. "If people didn't care for you why would most of us here be in tears seeing the older version of you jump off of the venue we were all at?"

The child version of Ayano frowned as she looked down. "I've always been told that people don't care about me, that all of you were just being kind cause you could. T-That I don't really matter."

Reiji placed his hands on her shoulders. "Look at me Ayano, please?"

She did with tears in her eyes. "Y-Yes Reiji?"

He hugged her tightly as he shut his eyes. "You matter...you matter so much Ayano. I'm sorry for not picking up my phone, I'm sorry for breaking my promise to you. I'm sorry I wasn't ever there for you when you needed me the most. If I could have been there for you I would have." He said sadly as he held onto her tightly

Child Ayano held onto him tightly back and cried against him. "My head was doing the big dumbs Reiji! I-I didn't know what else to do! All of you went poof without me knowing where you went!"

"We're here now, we want to help you out." Reiji said as he petted the back of her head softly

Ayano let go of him after a bit and she looked up at her elder self. "When I came here-the dark voice in my head said that I can't get out on my own. Only those who truly care about me can crack the glass and get me from the bindings of my own ignorance. I'm conscious just I can't talk in that state. I guess that's why I'm here...cause the last time I was ever my real self was when I was ten...before I was bullied for my asthma and anxiety."

Aoi came up on the stage and looked to her sadly. "So you think that if we show that we care for her that we can get the older version of you out of that?"

Ayano went up to Aoi and nodded her head. "Yes...I'm sorry for makin' you cry Aoi." She said sadly

He picked her up and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for not being there for you. I'll do what I can to help you out."

She gave him a sad smile. "Okies-I'll trust that you can. Uh...C-Can you place me down please? I don't like bein' picked up."

"So that isn't just an adult you thing, you literally hate having your feet off the ground." Liya said amused

"I've always hated being picked up." Ayano said looking to Liya as she was placed down "Oh, and I can hear big me's thoughts and she told me to tell you that she forgives you and not to worry about Akara. Akara is okay just she's waiting for the two of you unconscious in the dressing room. Oh and she wanted me to ask Mika if she wasn't the last one done getting out of the uniform would she have looked for her."

Mika's eyes widen before she looked at ayano in the glass case. "Bitch you bet your ass I would have!"

child Ayano laughed and smiled. "She feels relieved to hear that-she laughed a bit too....oh boy..um...she told me what guys need to help her out. Cause the dark voice showed her who in her mind needed to help her."

"So who needs to be the one to break her out of there?" Yamato asked

Child Ayano hold up her hand as she looked up at the elder version of her. "Hold up big me! I can't say those names like you can! My brain can only take so much!!!"

Child Ayano huffed out. "Geeze, she is too ecstatic to get out of there. "

"What do you mean by that?" Liya said confused

"When big me is really excited about something she talks really-really quickly and my small head can't take everything she's telling me. Um-but anyways. The first person who was shown was Reiji-My guess it's cause of how much you really cared about her and you personally made it your job to let her know that she was cared for by you by getting her attention singly on you. She's grateful to have you to look up to as a Senpai, she's thankful that out of all of the guys she's friends with that you were there to reassure her that she was important."

Reiji stood up straight and smiled a bit. "I'm glad that at least that much got to her. So what do I have to do to get her out of that case?"

The Child jumped off of the stage and she smiled. "Hold up. I'll be right back."

The Child then rushed back through the doors, she was gone for a bit of time. Liya shook her head. "So, big sis as a child is adorable or is it just me who thinks that?"

"I agree with that statement. Seems like the child version of her is what she'd be like had she been accepted, before all of the downfalls that happened with your family." Aoi said with a smile

The child then came back with a bunch of microphones. "Can ya'll not talk about how cute I am?! I am not cute!" She whined

"Not going to happen." Mika said with a giggle "What do you got there kiddo?"

"Microphones of the guys big me mentioned to me. I have Reiji's, Ren's, Masato's, Shun's, Kai's, Aoi's, Arata's and she thinks the last one she saw was actually all seven of the guys from Idolish-so I grabbed all of theirs. You guys wouldn't have known...but you should have taken the mics with you guys."

"Sorry little Aya." Ren said with a sad smile as he took his mic from her

"It okay, I knew you didn't know. She should have given that as a message to all of you. But oh wells. Guess she didn't think you guys would get this far." Child Ayano said with a shrug

The others then grabbed their mics from her before she looked at Reiji. "Big me told me that if you think of a song you want to sing you gotta sing looking straight at her."

"That seems simple enough, hopefully it'll be enough to help her out." Reiji said with a sigh

Child Ayano gave him a sad smile. "She has lots of faith in you, she told me to tell you that she really likes your music and if anything can help her out is you being yourself."

He scratched the side of his face nervously. "Well she makes it seem really easy then...alright I'll give it a try."

"Break a leg Reiji!" Child Ayano said happily

Liya and Mika took their mics before they disappeared as the stage changed color from the purple color that it was to the color that represented Reiji-dark forest green. The moment he thought about what song he wanted to sing, the music for it began to play which made him smile knowing that she knew exactly what song he was going to be 

After he finished singing the left part of the glass case cracked and shattered disappearing from the side of the case. Reiji's brown eyes were shocked to see that what he sang actually did something. Child Ayano clapped her hands happily. "One side down! Big me is happy too!"

As the child ayano spoke the older version of Ayano left hand moved and placed her hand against the front piece of glass. Small Ayano nodded her head and she looked to the males. "She just told me that when the glass shattered who needed to go next was shown to her."

"So who is next?" Hajime asked

"Idolish7. My guess is cause of when things first start to go back for big me, she did lean on them lots. A few of them really helped her out and even kept her from doing what you all saw." Child Ayano said before she looked at the Seven males. "Think you can help big me out?"

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