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Ayano and Kira left Raging studio's after they both had breakfast, Kira had told her when they were eating where they were meeting Otoya and Reiji, so she drove the two of them there quiet easily. When she got to the location she turned her car off and she pulled her key out of her car. "I don't want to face them, after what I said the other night...I don't know what to think."

Kira placed his hand over hers. "I'm right here with you. It'll be alright."

She looked at him with a sad smile. "O-Okay."

The two of them left her car and went into the building, Ayano anxiety was rising and she could feel it-so she held onto Kira's arm as she felt her hands shake and tremble. When the two of them met up with Otoya and Reiji the two of them were all smiles as they went up to the two of them. "Glad you two could make it! Seems like Shining had a change of heart for some reason after Haruka had came back from Raging studios." Reiji said with a smile

Ayano wouldn't let go of Kira's arm as Otoya spoke up. "Seems like the four of us are going to be doing a commercial together here for the concert."

"How is that going to work when Raging has plans to have a concert for HEAVENS and Sweet Angels to collab. Yes us girls are used to idol work-but what's going on is too much. Even for us." Ayano said sadly

Reiji and Otoya looked at one another with a small frown before Otoya spoke up. "We had no idea that was happening, we wanted to get the commercial out of the way so we could work with you Aya."

"Why so you guys can do more mental damage to me? Let my group first adjust to being part of Raging studio's Then we'll talk about doing a commercial together." Ayano said with a sigh "Raging has us girls doing so much right now from getting fit to working on group stuff with HEAVENS let alone our own group songs. And Raging has plans for Kira and I to be part of a movie set that he has yet to get scripts for."

"That is a lot! Does he really think that you can do all of that?" Reiji asked concerned

"Yeah, and it's taking time but I'm getting used to it."

"Her and I are going on a talk show this weekend about the projects we're working on. And to place out there that our groups are working together." Kira stated

"There's also one other thing that is going to be mentioned but none of you are going to know before then." Ayano said with a sigh

"Seems like we jumped the gun with this without consulting either one of your groups. That's on us. Sorry Aya." Reiji said sheepishly

"Whatever. Consideration hasn't been something you boys do for years so I don't expect it to just magically happen after one incident." Ayano said unamused

Otoya and Reiji could both see the fact that she wasn't happy with seeing either one of them or knowing that she'd be working with them. "Hey Ayano...mind me asking, just what's gotten into you. You've changed since the last time we saw you." Otoya asked concerned

Ayano looked up at Kira who was looking down at her. He nodded his head slightly at her, she moved her hand from around Kira's arm before she placed her hands together.

"From the moment I was first placed in Sweet Angels till meeting face to face with HEAVENS, I've been told by my crazy batshit father that I needed to conceal the 'real me' and place on a sweet face that would be that of an angel. I wasn't allowed to show who I really was because of the act that my father placed together to make it so all the members of Sweet angels were in fact 'angels'. Ever since leaving my fathers agency because of his sick thoughts about how he saw me, I've slowly unraveled myself out of the shell that was stuffed into. What you're both seeing now is the real me. When you saw me on the thirtieth of April that was all an act. I had to act like a ditzy ass bitch who was 'excited'. I hated that I had to work with my bratty younger sister, I hated that I had to deal with the fact that Akara was a bitch to me. I hated that all of you act like you give a damn about me when you don't. You don't 'care' about anything but the woman that you all first saw when you guys came to Shining records. It sickens me that you all would play a woman like that. If I am to be a friend to all of you then fine-be my friend. But don't play with my emotions, don't say something, turn around and not fucking do it."

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