Book Two:9

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The next day while Ayano was having breakfast, she saw that she had a call by Gaku which made her smile as she answered it placing it on speaker. "Morning Yaotome."

"Morning Ando, Listen. I just got off of the phone with my father. It seems like you girls are going to be working on something with TRIGGER for a bit. Do you mind driving you girls to the company building?"

"Yeah sure, I'll need to wake up the other two-they aren't morning people."

He chuckled a bit. "I saw when you three were over yesterday. You had to wake them up then too."

"Mhm, they aren't going to like being woken up so early again but they'll deal. I'll see you in a bit then yes?"

"Yeah, TRIGGER will have to be there so we can figure out just what we're doing."

"Alright then. Thank you for the heads up." She said before she hung up.

Ayano finished eating her breakfast before she woke up her younger sister and Mika just so they could be up enough to get themselves together. Once they were eating Liya whined out. "Why did you wake us up this time?"

"I was called by Yaotome earlier, he said that his father has job for us to do that involves working with TRIGGER. So you girls need to get yourselves together so we can get going to the company building."

She hung her head and sighed out. "Fuck...Alright. Oh! Are you going to wish Aoi a Happy birthday before we go? Today is his birthday after all."

Ayano smiled. "I already gave him a text message earlier wishing him a happy birthday."

"Ahn, alrighty then."

When the girls got done eating, Mika and Liya got dressed and the girls left out. As Ayano drove them to the company building Ayano's phone went off. She answered it as she got to a red light. "Hello?"

"Thanks for the birthday message this morning Aya. That was rather nice to wake up to." Aoi said happily

"Oh...yeah, you're welcome Aoi. Does Six Gravity have anything planned for you for your birthday today?"

"I'm not so sure, but I've been told to stay in my room after I had breakfast. So maybe?"

She giggled a bit "Well, enjoy your day today Aoi. If I can, I'll have Sweet Angels visit you today."

"Alright. Thanks Aya."

Ayano hung up the call as she drove off once more, Liya looked at ayano curiously. "Did Aoi call you?"

"Mhm, he did, he wanted to thank me for the birthday message earlier. Hopefully what Mr. Yaotome wanted to talk to us about doesn't take long, I'd like to be able to visit the dorms for the boys so we can celebrate Aoi's birthday with them."

Mika and Liya nodded their heads in agreement, when Ayano got to the company building she parked in front of the building before she got out with the two girls. They went inside only to see the boys waiting for the elevator. Gaku smiled seeing the three of them. "You girls took no time getting here."

"Ayano can be rather stern when she wants to be." Mika said with a sheepish smile on her face

The elevator opened and the six of them went in together. As the elevator went up Tenn talked with the girls. "Ando, Gaku told Ryu and I that he went out with you last night, mind me asking you why you'd agree to do that? It could ruin your group and Trigger."

"First calm yourself. I know that us being around one another is going to be controversial if people saw us together. But we made sure that no one would recognize us, we aren't that stupid kid. Secondly it was a friendly date just so we could gauge one another. Nothing more. It's not like it was romantic at all. We were just trying to figure out just who'd we be working with. Thirdly, what your leader does on his time off doesn't pertain to you. How'd you like it if the two others in your group as you where you've been? Hm? Wouldn't you like to keep things to yourself?"Ayano said sternly

Tenn was quiet as he heard her speak. He then averted his eyes and said nothing. Gaku chuckled and placed a hand on Ayano's shoulder. "Thank you."

Ayano nodded her head. "Of course, I was merely speaking the truth."

When they got to the top, Sweet Angels got out first and the boys followed in suit. When they got to the door to Gaku's father's office, Ayano knocked on it and got an answer not long afterwards.

When they had gotten into the room, they were told to sit down so the six of them all sat down only for Gaku's father to get up and pick up a stack of papers in the process. "So it seems like Raging entertainment was turned down after Sweet Angels had removed themselves from that studio. What was supposed to go to HEAVENS and Sweet angels will now be given to the six of you."

Ayano instantly spoke up. "I swear if you give me the adult rated script that I was given in Raging entertainment I swear I will leave now with my girls." She said sternly

Yosuke looked at her confused "I don't know what script you were given, but it isn't what was supposed to be given to you girls." He said as he gave her the script that he had in his hand

Ayano took it with both hands and she saw that it was the same name but without the mature scenes in it. It befuddled her. "T-This is messed up. The script I was given for the same thing had a rather mature scene in it."

"I had been told that the script had gone through editing. So that may have been edited out if that's the case." yosuke stated

She hummed out as she scanned through it before she went to the scene where she knew it was supposed to be mature only to see that it wasn't. It was instead a ballad between the duo where the male was serenade the female. Ayano then looked at Yosuke. "So, who are you having as the lead female and male?"

"You and my son." Yosuke stated

She stiffened up as she heard him speak, Gaku could tell that she was uncomfortable with it. "Are you sure that you wish to place this on her so soon after they've joined the company father? What if she can't pull it off?"

"I've seen all of the other works she's done in the past. She is the only one that has anything to go off of that I can trust. Liya and Mika haven't had work at all so it stands that they will not be fit for the position unlike Ayano." Yosuke stated seriously

Liya spoke up "We might not have the work history that Aya has but that doesn't mean that we are completely new to projects like this! Mika and I have done acting jobs before."

Mika nodded her head in agreement. "Li and I have done some commercials together and even had small roles in some TV shows in the past."

Yosuke looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow. "I doubt you two have what it takes, but I wouldn't completely rule it out until I see what you two can do. Liya since you are the one that spoke up first I want you to write down everything you and Mika have done. From there I will see what you two have done and judged you two from there."

Liya was quick to write down everything she's done with Mika before he went back to his desk and on his computer he had watched everything that the two girls had done together. As he did Gaku looked at Ayano. "You stiffened up because of the role didn't you?"

She shook her head. "I don't mind the's the fact that your father's first thought was to place us as the leading roles. I get I signed that contract consenting to at some point being together with you. But that doesn't mean that I'm going to be okay with doing something like this with you. I barely know you Yaotome."

"You'll do fine. I have faith in you Ayano." He said with a smile

"At least you do...I don't. I don't think I'll ever be good enough for something like a lead role. I've always been placed as a side role which I've been more than comfortable with. I hate it when the spot light is on me."

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