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It was quiet in the room as the lot of them heard Ayano's father talking rather loudly to Asaya. "Ayano and Liya tell me that you've been misbehaving, what have I told you about talking to Liya about being her sister? You can't tell her that she isn't her sister."


"No, that's not how that works-legally she has two. You and Liya. Ayano was adopted into Liya's family, even if Liya's parents had managed to disown Ayano-legally speaking Liya and Ayano are still sisters. And yes by blood you and Ayano are sisters, but it's Ayano's choice whether she accepts you into her life or not as her sister. As of right now you aren't being a good younger sister and you're making her want to kick you out of Sweet Angels. Did you really want that?"


All of them heard a loud slap sound before Asaya was crying, Ayano sat up hearing that. "What the heck did my father just do?!"

"I think he just slapped Asaya...that's a first. No one has ever angered him that bad before." Liya said looking at ayano concerned

"No kidding." Ayano said softly looking to Liya


Ayano instantly got up hearing her father yelling angered. "Oh crap that's bad..." She said concerned

She soon saw Asaya who had a red mark on her face as well as a bandage on her forehead where she hit her head. Asaya instantly went to Ayano and tackled her down. "YOU BITCH! YOU MADE DAD KICK ME OUT OF SWEET ANGELS! YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!!!"

As Asaya shouted at Ayano she was choking her elder sister as Ayano was trying to get her off of her but having no luck. It took Kira and Liya to get them apart. Kira pulled Asaya off of Ayano as Liya pulled Ayano up as she made sure that she was okay. When the girls manager came out and saw what happened he looked more than irate. "Mika, get the boxes. We're packing her shit and she's going back to where she was. I'm sorry you girls have to deal with an immature brat like her. I gave her a warning and she didn't take it. So this is the end of it."

Mika was quick to move and did what she was told, Liya went to get Ayano water as Asaya was trying to get out of Kira's grasp but couldn't. The girls manager sighed out as he went to Kira. "Thank you for taking this ungrateful girl off of my daughter."

"She's my friend, I didn't want her to get hurt." Kira stated

"Glad to hear she made friends with at least one of you. You can place her down, I'll be taking her from here on out. When I get back we can all talk about what to do. I do apologize for this."

Eiichi then spoke up. "We were told to stay here until everything was finalized, so we're not going anywhere any time soon Mr. Ando."

He nodded his head before he pulled Asaya out of the dorms. Kira then bent down to where Ayano was as she had the water that Liya had given her. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head. "I-I thought she was going to kill me." She said sadly as she had teary eyes "S-she's a lot stronger than she looks."

"If she was able to do that to you, that means you aren't that strong are you?" Eiichi asked

She looked to Eiichi and frowned. "No..I'm not. My father told Liya, Mika and I that we aren't allowed to exercise and that we needed to just watch what we eat. Which is why I don't eat that much."

"which is bull crap if I might add." Mika said with a sigh "You are the lightest one of all of us and you barely ever eat, girl eat for damn sakes!"

Ayano just looked down sadly at the water in her hands, she didn't know what to say about what Mika told her. The seven males obviously could tell that there was something going on that was hidden with the Sweet Angel agency-they just had to get Ayano and the other two to speak up about it.

"did you want to get off the floor?" Kira asked

she nodded her head and he helped her up before she went to sit in her seat once more. Kira then sat beside her before the seven males talked with her as Liya and Mika took care of Asaya's things.

"Ayano, did anyone from QUARTET NIGHT ever get into contact with you earlier today?" Eiichi asked

She nodded her head. "I had talked with Kotobuki Senpai-he apparently told me that he and the others of QUARTET NIGHT had tried once before to get Shining to have one of them at the one site, but Shining apparently wasn't having it. He denied them going anywhere near the place. He then proceeded to tell me that he was going to keep trying to get Shining to understand what's at steak...I'm not holding my breath."

"At least one of them reached out right?" Van asked

"True, but here's the thing-all of the males that I've met before you seven lovely males have befriended me, made a promise then let that promise be a fall out. I don't really trust them after knowing that they can't keep a promise that they made me."Ayano said with a sigh

"What was the promise?" Shion asked

"They all promised that if I ever needed anyone to talk to, if I ever got really bad anxiety or panic attacks that they'd be there for me. That they'd be willing to talk to me and calm my dumb brain down."

"And they failed to do so?"Eiji asked

She nodded her head. "Mhm it was a few months ago-I had a bad brain day...I had left my room to take my medication but instead of being able to take it I was belittled by the jerks that disowned me. They called me worthless, useless, talentless and a druggie because of the medication I have to take due to my genetics."

All of them looked at her stunned. "You take medication?" Eiichi asked

She nodded her head. "Mhm, I have Asthma, Borderline Suicidal depression and severe anxiety. I take medication for all three of them-to add to all of that recently I've managed to find out that a side affect of two of the medications I take is having panic attacks."

"How are you even able to be an idol with so much wrong with you?" Nagi asked stunned

She gave him a weak smile. "I hide everything when cameras are on me. None of my fans know about what is wrong with me and I'd like it to keep it that way."

"It must be hard for you to go through life like that though, surely there's something that can be done about it." Eiji stated concerned

"Maybe, but my father doesn't seem to care enough about me to fix the flaws that I have."

"That or whenever he sees you he sees his dead wife." Mika stated as she walked into the room "You said yourself when you told Liya and I about your father being our manager that you were the spitting image of your mother right?"

Ayano nodded her head. "Mhm, that's true."

"Then, all of the things that are wrong with you she must have had too. He probably thinks that treating them means being further away from your dead mother." Mika said with a sigh

Ayano's face twisted in disgust "I hope that's not true."

Mika leaned against the back of the couch as she looked at Ayano sadly. "It may end up being that way, he hit Asaya because she had made you upset. He hasn't done that at all when Liya or I have ever upset you."

Ayano rubbed between her eyes. "I don't want that to be true. I really don't want that to be true."

"It seems like you girls are dealing with a creep for a manager." Eiichi commented

"It seems that way doesn't it? Mr. Ando gave us our start-I don't want to be ungrateful but at the same time." Mika said with a sad sigh

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