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After they had finished singing those who knew what had happened the first two times braced themselves to find out more about the past of the female that they were all looking for. The door went black as they saw Ayano still at the age of sixteen.

she was in tears as she was thrown into a wall of her bedroom as Liya's parents were going through her room and found her inhaler and the medication that she had to take. Her medications were all opened and thrown to the ground as Liya's parents yelled at her.

"We care for you for a couple months and this is how you thank us?! By buying drugs!? you ungrateful little brat! You are so disgraceful!" Liya's father said before he hit her across the face

"Get your shit and get out of this house! We are disowning you as our daughter and we will no longer support you. Find somewhere else to go you brat!" Liya's mother hissed out before they left the room

Ayano hugged her legs crying. "Why don't you just kill me at this rate?!" She sobbed out sadly

After a bit she did pack all of things and she scooped up all of her pills placing them in different containers before she left the house with what little she did have. She didn't want to burden her grandparents so she went to the only friend she had-Akara. When she knocked on Akara's door, Akara was the one who answered. Seeing Ayano with tears going down her face she pulled her in and the two of them talked with Akara's parents before it was agreed that until Ayano was able to stand on her feet that she'd be able to stay there.

Akara then helped Ayano place her medication back in the right containers after finding out which ones go where. Afterwards Akara and her do their homework together before Ayano helps Akara with her chores around the house so she would feel useful. As it turned to be one of their vacations, Ayano went to look for work only to find work at a small store-she worked there every night after school and full time during Sunday's. She wouldn't use a single part of her money she wanted to save it all up so she could get a place of her own.

As school started up again Ayano noticed that Akara was distant from her and wondered why but didn't question her, instead she faked being asleep to hear what Akara would say behind her back. Ayano managed to hear Akara talking with her parents outside of the room 'I'm sorry about Ayano-I know she's a pain to deal with. She hasn't gotten the picture yet that I don't want to be her friend anymore. I'll tell her tomorrow that she needs to do something about herself or she's out on her own.'

Ayano packed her things up and she left out the window of the room before taking her shoes from the front of the house. Afterwards she chose to live on the streets for a few days before she was able to purchase her own place. She then lived on her own as she finished high school, while she was in school she was part of the chorus and she managed to get the solo for the school's plays and concerts. As it came to be the last day of school Akara came up to Ayano confused.

"Where did you go months ago? I haven't been able to see you or talk to you since then."

"Not your concern we're not friends anymore." Ayano said before walking off leaving her there in shock

The doors then turned bright as Mika scoffed. "Wow, so much for being her 'friend' huh Akara?"

"S-Shut up! I only said what I said to my parents because they didn't like her. I wasn't actually going to do it."

"Well probably shouldn't have talked about my sis so badly where she could have heard it." Liya said seriously. "Jeez, and I thought my parents were bad..."

"Well they are, if they treated your sister like that" Shun said shaking his head. "Poor girl. We need to move forward, we need to figure out just what made her do this."

"It may not have been her." Mika said in thought. "She had no idea where you boys all made off to, she said so herself."

"Yeah that's true!" Liya said. "She sounded really upset and depressed when she had talked about the lot of you."

"I have to ask...When was the last time any of you heard a word from ayano?" Akara asked curiously

All of them were quiet before Aoi spoke up. "What day was it when you guys came here?"

"October twenty first." Mika stated

"Wow...so much time passed. She last called me crying three months ago-it was when Six Gravity had our concert with Procella back then." Aoi stated shocked

Those from both groups nodded their heads to confirm that was the last time they were called by her as well. "That's strange, she called all of us back then too."Yamato said seriously

"What was going on with her in July that made her cry so much that she called all of us?" Iori asked concerned

All three girls thought about what was going on before Akara's eyes widen. "Oh no...I remember now. It was when Liya's parents had came to the dorms to see her for her birthday. They were nice and sweet to Mika and I-but the moment they saw Ayano they tore her down so much none of us knew what to do or how to stand up for her."

"I think she had came out from her room at that time, she must have wanted to have food to take so she could take her medication." Mika said sadly

"That sounds about right, I wish my parents weren't so mean to her. She's done nothing wrong." Liya said sadly

"The messed up thing is-Your birthday isn't even in july it's in November! Why would they come to 'celebrate' your birthday when it's not even in July!?"Akara asked confused

"My parents are so odd, they not only celebrate the day I was born but also the half way point of me being born or something like that-they've always done that to me and I don't know why they don't do it for Ayano too."

"I think what we've seen so far is proof of why she doesn't get treated like you."Mitsuki said shaking his head sadly "She isn't their real daughter, and with all that's wrong with her they think she's a 'problem' child when she isn't."

"We need to find Ayano and clear everything up. All of us were busy around then. We couldn't help her out then but that doesn't mean that we all don't see her as a friend." Iku said with his hands balled up on either side of him

All of them agreed with Iku and they went through the doorway together. The next group they saw was a seven male group. "Starish you're here too?" Akara said shocked

"Akara! Do you know where we are?" Otoya asked as he went up to her

"Not a clue, but this place somehow connects to Ayano." She said sadly

"What to you mean by that?" Ren asked curiously with a raised eyebrow

"So far Idolish7, Six Gravity and Procella had performed. After their performances we see a bit of Ayano's past. One of you will get a message from her before microphones will show up representing one of you boys. You'll have to sing whatever song Ayano wishes to hear before her past is revealed to us that she kept hidden from everyone." Mika explained

After she spoke Tokiya was the one who had gotten the message. "Come together to fall apart, Fall apart to get back up again. You all helped me out with not giving up. But will you all give up on me?"

Tokiya read the message aloud all seven of the males looked upset by the message before the mics made themselves known. On the ribbons were stars. They all went up to the mics as the music began, they knew exactly what song Ayano wanted them to hear. They knew singing that song with all of their heart would shout that they wouldn't ever give up on her.

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