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As the six of them were singing, there were lights only on them on the stage. Once they finished singing Akara expected to see the door darken once more-which did happen. Once again they managed to see a part of Ayano's life, that time Ayano was the age of sixteen. All of the males kept their attention on the doors to see what would show of Ayano's life.

Ayano was sitting in a medical clinic where she had bandages on both of her arms. She looked rather nervous being in the clinic as she saw the doctor of the clinic writing on a clip board for a moment before she spoke up. "Alright Ayano, it seems like you have more than just your depression dear. It is very visible and I can give you medication to help with it-but that's not the only thing that I've noticed with you."

"You mean there's more than that wrong with me?" She asked sadly

"Yes, but it seems to be all genetics. You have Asthma, anxiety and a bi-polar disorder. I will be giving you an inhaler for your asthma and medication that you must take supervised for your other symptoms. The side affects of not taking your depression and anxiety medication is in fact suicide so please be sure you take your medication."

Ayano nodded her head. "Sure...I can do that. Anything else I should keep in mind?"

"Yes, when it comes to your medication that you'll take if by chance it doesn't help. Please come back to me and I will up the dosage for you. I don't want to end up losing a patient."

Ayano nodded her head. "O...okay. I...I'll be sure to come here if it doesn't work. T-Thank you doctor."

Ayano then left the clinic and she went to get her medication. Afterwards she went home to find it completely empty-so she went to hide her medication in her room before she went to get herself something to eat so she could take her medication. Ayano frowned a bit as she sighed out. "so this is my life now...hiding things from my parents to be 'normal' for them to like me...even if they aren't my real parents."

"SISSY! Mom, dad and I are home!" Liya happily shouted "We have food!"

She didn't leave her room, she knew better than to think that her parents got her dinner. When it came to be a half hour Liya came into the room confused. "Sis? Didn't you hear me?"

"Oh I heard you-just I don't want to be yelled at. Tell me did mom and dad really get me dinner or did you assume it?"

Liya just looked at her confused. "W-What do you mean by that? Of course they'd get you dinner too. You're just as much their child as I am."

Ayano shook her head and sighed. "Life is going to let you down one day when you know the truth." She said as she got up and patted the top of her head. "Let's see if you're right."

When they got to the dining area Liya's parents weren't happy that Liya got Ayano. "Why did you get her? We didn't get her anything. This is just for the three of us."

"W-What? B-but you promised me you'd feed sissy too." Liya said sadly "CPS will be here tomorrow, I want to let them that you two have changed. Wouldn't it be better if Sissy said good things about the two of you too. That way we aren't taken from the two of you?"

Her parents looked at one another before they sighed out. "Liya-she shouldn't matter to you." Her mother stated

"You're the only daughter we care about."

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