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That evening Ayano could feel that something was up, but couldn't figure out what. She ignored it for the most part until Liya spoke up as people were finishing up eating. "Hey sis, I...I have a serious question for you."

"I may have an answer for you Li." Ayano said as she was refilling her medication chart up not looking up at her younger sister

"Uhm...what are you doing tomorrow?" She asked weakly

"Well there's a lot I have to do from getting into better shape to memorizing four different songs-let alone figuring out how to deal with the script that I was given earlier today. why ask?" Ayano asked as she kept her eyes on her pills and where she was placing them

"Uh...well, I asked Raging...he said that we could take tomorrow off from all of that." Liya said nervously

Ayano stopped what she was doing and looked up raised an eyebrow at Liya. "Why? We have too much to do to have a day off."

Liya sighed out before she looked at the males. "I told you, see she doesn't even care about what tomorrow is."

Ayano was quiet as she thought about what the next day was. "Wait...hold up-are we getting the day off because of my birthday? Liya-I've never celebrated my birthday. Why now would I?"

"Honestly when we worked for your father, he told us you were too 'old' for birthday parties-but he didn't care if Liya, Akara or I had one. My assumption is that because he's your father he wanted you to stay focus on your job as an idol instead of on a personal life." Mika said sadly "I've wanted to do something for you for years. We weren't even allowed to give you presents which was messed up."

Ayano blinked her eyes a few times. "W-Wait a moment-say what now Mika?"

Liya nodded her head in agreement. "Your father really didn't want you to celebrate your birthday-neither one of us knew why. But he was very stern with us about 'don't give Ayano a birthday party. She's too old for it. She's an adult not a child' is what we'd always get from him."

"So it wasn't that you two didn't want to-its the fact that you weren't allowed to?"

Both girls nodded their heads. "We really want to do something for you...please sis?" Liya asked

Ayano averted her eyes as she had a half smile on her face. "I-It'd be nice to celebrate it knowing what I know now. Just someone is gonna have to drag me out of my room cause my brain will think otherwise."

"That's not going to be a problem." Nagi said with a smile "Kira had talked with Raging earlier and apparently was able to convince Raging to make it so the two of you were sharing a room instead of the two of you being in different rooms."

Hearing Nagi Ayano's golden eyes went straight to Kira who was just staring at her with a small smile. "So That's what you went to talk to him about. I don't even want to know what you said to him to make him agree to that Kira."

"It's best that you don't ask." Kira stated "You're not going to be alone tomorrow or ever again. I'll be sure of that."

Ayano placed down her medication bottle only for her to sigh out. "Is that what you were doing this afternoon after you left me? You were leaving the room you were in with Van?"

"Yes, it's best for you mentally and for us as a couple. What use is it for us to be together if we can't even act like one? If we're to be 'adults' for a movie we are being placed in, then we need to start to be treated like adults."

"Well our situation just went from zero to one hundred real quick like Kira. I don't mind being in a room with you, honestly I don't. Being around you calms me which I am more than okay with-I just have to ask...am I going to have to worry about you trying to sneak onto my futon bed?"

"That's no longer in your room sis." Liya said weakly

Ayano looked directly at her sister. "What do you mean it's no longer in my room?" she asked confused

"Because of what Kira said, your small futon was taken out and instead you have a fluffy full size for the two of you. Not our idea though-that was on Eiichi and Eiji's father." Mika said with her hands up defending her, Liya and the HEAVENS males

She sighed out. "Well damn, alright then. Guess I'll deal."

"Wait, you're not mad?"Liya said shocked

"No-why the hell would I be mad? I was forced to sleep on that damn thing by the creep we left. I got back pains all the time on it. I'm glad it's gone. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy hearing you guys talk."

Liya let out a relieved sigh as she gave her elder sister a small smile. "Thank goodness. I thought you were going to rip our heads off cause you've always slept on that thing since we were idols."

"Yeah cause my shit father wouldn't let me sleep on anything else. Thank you for getting rid of it, maybe tonight I can sleep without having to deal with the pains in my lower and middle back tonight." Ayano said before she went back to dealing with her medication.

"I guess we don't have to worry about her getting angered. That's a shocker-how you guys made things out to be, she should have flipped." Yamato said with a shrug

"Well we thought that she would have-we had no idea that she had hated her bed." Mika said with a shrug

"No use talking about it now-the bed is gone." Kira said before he looked at Ayano "When you get done, I'd like to show you what I did."

Ayano finished placing her medication in her chart before she looked at Kira. "We can go now, I'm finished."

Both of them got up and left the room, Kira held her hand as he took her to the room that was once hers. He opened the door for her before he let her go in. When she did she noticed that it was obvious what he had done. One side was just his things-the other was hers as the bed was in the middle of one of the walls. The left side was his and the right side was hers, she went to her side and she placed her pill bottles on her dresser before she heard him shut the door.

She didn't pay much attention to it now knowing that she was sharing a room with him. She went to go sit on the bed only to be pulled back as she felt Kira's arms around her as she felt her back hit his chest. He was rather quick to push her down onto the bed and lace her hands with his own. Ayano wasn't expecting it and looked up at him flustered. "Kira, are you alright?"

"We don't have much time alone together, While doing this I managed to read more of the script in between things. Our characters aren't virgins, which means neither can we."

Ayano looked up at him blushing hearing him speak. "A-Are you sure-"Ayano started to say before he held on her hands became rather tight, proving a point to her without saying a word. She knew then that he wanted to go all the way with her. That it was going to be something that she'd have to agree to do one way or another at some point in time. She only held his hands back unsure as to what to do in the situation she was in. He stared down at her only for her to smile at him shyly.

"I-I...I need to ask you something. And it's for both of our sakes."

He raised an eyebrow at her curiously, "Hm?"

"The walls here, um...people aren't going hear us are they?"

Kira realized why she looked discomfortable for and gave her a small smile. "The walls are very thick, no one will hear us. You have nothing to be worried about."

"O-Okay.."She said nervously

Kira didn't understand what was her issue, she seemed confident and open about it beforehand. Kira let go of her hands as he looked at her confused. "Are you afraid of losing your virginity Ayano?" he asked bluntly

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