Book Two:11

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After celebrating Aoi's birthday the girls left out for their apartment, Ayano drove them back home as the two girls lied on the back seat due to them drinking too much. When she had gotten into the driveway her phone off, she got it quickly not to wake the girls up only to see that it was Gaku.

"Evening Gaku."

"Hey Ayano, I just finished talking with our fathers...we need to talk."

"Uh-oh...that can't be good."

"It's nothing bad, actually do you mind meeting me somewhere?"

"Where did you want me to meet you?"

"There's a small cafe that's not far from where you live, mind meeting me there in ten?"

"sure that should give me time to get Liya and Mika into their rooms. We went to celebrate one of our friend's birthday and they got plastered."

Gaku chuckled a bit. "Alright, I'll give you time to do that. I'll see you in a bit Ayano."

"Yep!" She said before she hung up

Ayano then looked behind her to where Liya and Mika were. "You two just had to go and challenge Hajime and Shun to a drinking competion didn't you? God damn it girls." She muttered to herself before she got out of her car and first unlocked the house before she got liya out of the car first. After she was out of the car she dragged her sister to her room before doing the same to Mika. Once the girls were in bed she had went to walk to the cafe that Gaku had mentioned to her, when she got to the cafe she saw him waiting for her. So she sat down across from him and smiled sadly.

"So...Gaku, how much of a headache was my father?"

"If it wasn't for the fact that you can't drink we'd be at a bar not a place like this." He said with a sigh

She laughed a bit and smiled. "I figured he would cause a bit of a head ache Gaku, and I do apologize that you had to deal with that."

He placed his hand out. "No, don't be. Your father made his choices on his own. There's no need for you to apologize for him. Speaking of which, there's something you need to know about your fathers relation to my own."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay and what might that be?"

"As you should know they're friends from the past."

"Mhm, I saw a lot of pictures of the two of them with a small group of people in photo books in my father's apartment."

"Well it seems like there's more to it than just that, seems like your mother was stringing around your father and mine. Your father doesn't want you to do the same to any guy out there that might end up taking a liking to you." Gaku stated

Ayano's golden eyes widened hearing what Gaku said. " that why my father treats me how he does?"

"Sadly, yeah. Seems like he's been trying to keep you to not be like your mother. My father doesn't believe that you'll be like her because of how reserved you are and how much you don't trust people. Your mother apparently was a social butterfly, while my father has seen that you are the complete opposite. Your father waved it off and says that around the 'right people' you are one."

Ayano averted her eyes. "Even when I am around those who I gained as friends, I don't talk that much unless they talk to me, which is rather rare. I don't speak unless spoken to. My childhood has made me fear speaking out of turn."

Gaku looked at her sadly "Those people truly made you feel like you didn't belong around them...didn't they?"

Ayano nodded her head. "I never felt loved or accepted because of them. Then even after I found out that my manager was my father, he never showed me the love that a father should have for their daughter. The only person who has ever shown me affection has been Liya." ayano said sadly

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