Book Two:12

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After that day, Ayano had made every attempt that she could just to be able to get to know Gaku a bit more until they were given a date to be able to work on the script with the rest of the crew. The entire time that Ayano worked on the script with Gaku, Gaku made sure that she was going to be alright with what they did for the movie they were working on.

As it came to be June they started filming the Movie and throughout the entire time they acted as a couple on screen, it wasn't all 'acting'. They acted like themselves throughout part of it which didn't get seen by the producer who was watching them 'act'. When it came to the day that Gaku's character would sing a love song to Ayano's character, he told her to really listen to the lyrics that he'd be singing to her. Which she did when it came to that part of the movie.

Ayano's reaction to the lyrics he sang was completely genuine as she looked at him flustered and in awe. Never once had she ever had anyone sing a love song to her, hearing the lovely lyrics that came out of him, it was slowly thawing out the cold ice wall that she had around her heart for males. By the end of the song he had came up to her and held onto her hand tightly before he kissed her lovingly on the lips.

The kiss between them was genuine as well even though they did have to act as if the kiss between them was hot and passionate. The rest of the day Ayano felt like she was on cloud nine after what had happened that day. When she had finally finished filming the movie with Gaku it was almost the beginning of July. TRIGGER and Sweet Angels were summoned into Yosuke's office on the day that the movie premiered just to see just how well the movie would do on it's first day. Even though Gaku and Ayano had been told they could see the premiere for the movie for free, knowing that they had been summoned by his father-they refused it.

Instead they chose to sit with their respective groups and wait for the numbers to come back, once it hit Ten pm, the numbers for their movie went up higher than those of the other movies that night that premiered. Yosuke looked at Gaku and Ayano impressed. "You two did very well with that movie it seems. I expected nothing less from my son, but I was rather iffy on you miss Ando. It seems like your father's concern was for nothing, you did rather well and I expect nothing less from you from here on out."

"Of course sir, I'll do what I can to make sure that I keep up my performance sir." Ayano said with a nod of her head. "Will you now be giving Li and Mi something to do?"

"Yes, as promised. Liya and Mika you two will be working on an commercial advertisement with Tenn and Ryu for a product that just recently came out."

Liya and Mika tilted their heads to the side. "What do you mean sir?" Liya asked

"There is a young woman who had reached out to me wanting two of the members of TRIGGER to advertise her product. Her product is a sweet chocolate bar. Apparently from what she had explained to me it is to rival her father's company."

Mika looked skeptical. "The female wouldn't happen to be a young girl by the name of Aina Ria would it be?"

"Yes actually, you know of her?" Yosuke asked curiously

"She was a student in the high school I went to. She is a very bright young woman and hearing that she has done what she has, I'm more than willing to help her out." Mika said with a nod of her head

Liya looked at Mika shocked "You know the chick, is she nice?"

"Yeah, she's really nice. She's misunderstood a lot but she's really nice. She has lots of medical problems like our leader but even without knowing that she only wants to be seen by people since she's always been ignored in her big ass family. I remember constantly crying to me back when we were in high school saying how horrible her mother and father were and how they were going to force her to give up her life to be a part of 'Aina sweets' the company her father owns."

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