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All seven males looked at one another before Yamato went up to the child and bent down so they'd see eye to eye. "We're going to help her out, none of us liked seeing what we had earlier. If we can help her never do that again we will."

Child Ayano smiled at Yamato. "That's good to hear. If big me could speak she'd be a sobbing mess hearing that."

Yamato patted the top of her head before he and the others went on the stage as Reiji got off of it. As the seven males looked at Ayano one song all of them knew came to mind. Ayano's left hand balled up before it laxed itself as the music played for the song all seven of them thought of playing for her. 

fter they finished singing the right side of the glass cracked and shattered, disappearing just like the other side had. Her right hand then was able to move and she tried to get the bandages off of her face but when she did all of them saw that she was electrocuted. Child Ayano screamed in pain as she fell to the ground. Shun was the closest to the child version of Ayano and bent down to her side. "Are you alright?"

"N-no! The evil darkness that is watching over all of this doesn't want big me to undo the wrappings around her! I...it electrocuted her which hurt me too! I-I'm a part of who she is, s-so naturally I get hurt when she does something stupid." child Ayano said sadly

"So does that mean that someone else has to help her with them?" Aoi asked

"Y-yeah....I-I don't know who though...B-But Idolish7 did what they had to do...the right glass piece shattered." Child Ayano said as she got up from the ground

"So who'll be next?" Shun asked

Child Ayano went up onto the stage and she glared at the elder version of her. "Big meanie stop touching those darn things! I know you don't like them but just be patient! Jeez! You're gonna kill me at this rate!"

The elder version of Ayano signed she was sorry and Child Ayano sighed. "You're forgiven, who's next big me?"

Child Ayano then looked behind her. "She said Masato's next, and she told me after him is Ren."

The duo looked at one another before Masato went onto the stage. "All I have to do is think about what I want to sing to her right?"

Child Ayano nodded her head. "Mhm, anything is fine." She said before she jumped off of the stage going towards Liya and Mika.

The moment he thought about what he wanted to 

After Masato finished singing the bottom piece of the glass ended up breaking under her making her hold onto the front piece in front of her. Masato looked behind him. "It's your turn, just don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Ren said before he smiled up at Ayano. "You have no thing to worry about Ayano, we'll get you out of there soon."

After he said what he had-he instantly began to sing the first song that came to mind. Once he finished singing the back piece of glass shattered and disappeared. Child Ayano was having a slight bit of anxiety watching what happening to the big one of her. "Quickly Kai-Shun, you two need to work together please...I don't think big me can hold on much longer."

Shun and Kai nodded their heads and at the same time they thought of the same song before Kai began to sing first. 

After they finished singing the last two pieces of the glass shattered-which made a loud voice screech out very loudly. Small Ayano held her ears before she looked upwards. "LET ME GO YOU BIG MEANIE! PEOPLE LOVE ME! THEY CARE FOR ME! YOU CAN'T KEEP US HERE FOREVER!" She shouted loudly

The smaller version of her began to curl up as she felt pain all around her. "I-I'm being pulled away...It doesn't like that I can talk to all of you. Arata-Aoi, you two have to figure out what to do from here. Big me can't talk, so once I completely fade you all will be on your own."

The two males nodded their heads. "Thank you for getting us this far. We'll figure things out from here." Arata said with a smile

The child nodded her head before she completely disappeared.

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