Book Two:1

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Ayano had half expected to be ignored when Kai had came back from his morning jog. But she had been happily wrong as one by one everyone from Procella had gotten up and when they saw her said 'happy birthday' to her. As they all had breakfast together she sat between Shun and Yoru which made her happy that she was around people that knew it was her birthday and had planned to do something for her birthday.

she didn't care what it was, as long as she didn't have to be alone for the day she was fine with whatever happened. After eating they all walked and took two trains to an amusement park, seeing the amusement park made her little golden eyes widen in utter happiness. She held too much excitement inside of her-which a few of them could see was just seeping out of her.

It was Yoru and You who had spoken up first to Ayano and taken her on a few rides, which she was really happy and excited for. When their turn was up-she was then given up to Rui and Iku who took her on a few rides with them which made her happy being around the two younger males. As she was given to Shun and Kai, they made sure she ate and was given time to relax her heart a bit so she didn't have an asthma attack.

"Enjoying your day so far Ayano?" Shun asked with a smile

Ayano nodded her head happily "Thank you guys so much for spending the day with me. It makes me feel very happy that I get to spend so much time with all of you."

"We're only going to be here with you until the afternoon. Then you'll be with Six Gravity." Shun said with a smile

"In case you have an asthma attack you do have your inhaler with you right?" Kai asked

"Mhm, I do."


After Ayano ate something small with the two of them they went on a few rides before they left out with the rest of Procella as she was left alone for a bit. While she was a young male with teal eyes and hair sat by her and he looked frustrated. She looked at the male concerned as she moved closer to him and tapped on his shoulder. The male was going to shout only to see that it was a female.

"'s just a girl. What do you want?"

"You seem out of sorts, are you okay?"

"No, but why should it matter to a stupid girl like you?"

"I'm not a 'stupid girl' My name is Ando Ayano, and I was just being nice. No need to be a little jerkwad." She said with her arms crossed

"Wait you wouldn't happen to be the leader of Sweet Angels would you?" He asked

"Why should that matter to a pest like you?" She retorted back

He hung his head as he realized she was giving back the same energy he gave her. "Listen, I'm sorry. Just I've been arguing with my bandmates. They wanted us all to go to some stupid party that is being held for you elsewhere. I didn't want to go since we don't know you, but apparently my band and I are supposed to be introduced to you."

"Oh you're an idol too huh?"

The male nodded his head. "Mhm! ZOOL!" He said with a grin

"Oh so you're part of that group that disrupted part of the busiest part of Japan without a damn care. That was reckless and careless of all four of you. So you're pissy about wanting to do something you don't wanna to do. Well suck it the fuck up kid. Being an idol means doing things you don't want to do." She said unamused as she got up "If I see you again, I won't be so nice to you."

She then walked off to find Six Gravity, as she did she left the teal haired male sitting on the bench to think about what he had said to her and about her retort back. When she did find Six Gravity, Six gravity was with Mika and Liya.

"Aya!" The girls said happily

"Mika. Liya." She said unamused

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