Book Two:3

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Kira and Eiichi got up as they saw the trio of females come into the dorms once more. "So you three took your time coming back." Eiichi stated

Liya spoke up first "Those who actually give a damn about Aya threw her a surprise birthday party that was planned even before this bull shit happened."

"I see, so that's why we didn't see you three. Can I assume that Ayano found someone better to be with than Kira?" Eiichi asked

Ayano looked down sadly as she felt unwelcomed by the young brunette male. Mika stood in front of Ayano and glared at Eiichi. "Ayano would never go against her relationship with Kira! You don't know our leader! You don't know what type of woman she is so don't go assume anything!"

"Like you two have room to talk, you two assumed she'd like Kira and here she is not even talking to him." Eiichi said with a scoff

Liya looked at Ayano "Aya...sis? You okay?"

Ayano shook her head no before she went up to Kira before she slapped him hard against the face. "That's for trying to force yourself on me, I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't understand me! I'm far from ready to go so far with someone! I hope that you are happy with making me completely hate you. You've lost your sweet Angel." She said before she looked at Eiichi "And if you try to call me a whore once more and I'll be sure everyone knows just how you and your father treat women!"

Ayano then went up to the girls. "Pack up. I'm calling Yaotome Studios."

The two girls nodded their heads and left out as Ayano stayed where she was and called the number in front of the males on speaker. It wasn't long before she got Gaku.

"Well that didn't take long."

"Evening Gaku, seems like the males in HEAVENS are disgraceful. Sweet Angels would be more than happy to make refuge with your father's company."

"On that Business card there is an address go there and you can speak with my father face to face. Don't worry trigger will be there if you can't get through to him."

"Alright be there soon, we need to gather our things."

"Very well. See you soon."

Once she hung up she went to the room that she had been forced to share with Kira only to rip up all of the posters she had of him and break all of the things she had that proved she loved him. As she did he had came into the room to see the destruction she had made on the right side of the room. She then packed what little she had to pack up before she left out without a word. She placed her things into her car before she had the girls pack what little they could into the trunk of the car and in the back seat before she left out. She went to the address on the business card with Liya giving her directions on where she was going.

Once she got to the address she parked in front of the building, the three of them got out and went in together. As they did a pink haired female waited for them. "Gaku told me you three would be coming here. Let's go up together." She said happily

The three girls nodded their heads and went up with the elder female, once they were on the top floor and were taken into an office building they saw Trigger on the side of the room. Gaku's father stopped what he was doing when he saw Ayano. He had to do a double take and clean his glasses as he had the three females come closer.

Once he placed his glasses back on he looked at Ayano. "Tell me your name miss."

"Ando Ayano sir."

"Ando huh, so that's who she married huh. She could have done better."

"I'm guessing with that statement you knew who my mother was." Ayano stated

"Yes, we were friends. You look just like she did at your age."

"I've been told by my sick perverted father the same."

"No doubt he didn't have you change a thing about yourself because of it huh?"

"Yes sir, that's true. It's also why I have chosen not to continue having him as Sweet Angel's manager. Not to mention he laid a hand on Asaya."'

"You speak of your younger blood sister. I know of her. I saw that interview you had done. I wondered why she didn't come in with you and the other two."'

"She was kicked out before she had time to debut with us because of a rivalry between her and Liya about being my younger sister." Ayano said with a sigh "Not to mention she was trying to control me which I wasn't having."

"I see, well I don't mind taking the three of you in. That's not a problem, I can see the potential in all three of you. And I must say out of the four of you that had originally started 'Sweet Angels', the three of you performed better than that blond woman that was with you three." Yosuke stated

Mika chuckled a bit and Ayano smiled "I'm glad to hear you think the same. She's never returning to this group."

"Since you three will be with Yaotome records from here on out-I would like for the three of you to sign a record deal and for us to get started on getting you three out there once more." Yosuke stated as he slid three pieces of paper towards them

Mika and Liya didn't do a thing until Ayano read the papers herself, Ayano took out of her ponytail a pen before she signed it before she gave the papers to the other girls. Yosuke saw what happened and raised an eyebrow at Ayano. "I can assume you're their leader yes?"'

"Mhm, they have a lot of respect for me and my opinion. We've had a lot of ups and downs and I know they don't want to get on my bad side." Ayano said with a smile

"Very well then, so with the three of you being so. I'd like for you to pick out your center." Yosuke stated


Liya stiffened as she heard what Ayano said. "A-Aya!? What the heck!? You aren't even going to think about it?!"

Ayano looked at Liya seriously. "Your dance movements are always on point, your singing is the best out of the three of us. I believe that it is best that you're the one that shines out of all three of us that can show just who 'Sweet Angels' truly is. Sure I am it's leader. That'll always be a given, but I am not the best at either. I always have room for improvement, but you've always had more talent that I have. Which I know is why your crappy parents wanted you to have the spot light. So now you will. I can acknowledge talent when I see it and you do without a doubt."

Liya teared up as she heard Ayano speak. "I...I won't let you down! I promise!"

Ayano patted the side of her face softly. "I know you won't. You're too stubborn to let anything get you down."

Yosuke then spoke up. "Which will mean that the brunette of your group will be your face of attraction."

"Mika is the most attractive of the three of us so I can agree to that." Ayano said with a nod of her head

Mika looked at Ayano flustered "Aya! I-I am not!"

Ayano narrowed her eyes at Mika. "You are too modest. You are a very attractive young woman who could make any man swoon if you had the confidence to do so. You are very beautiful and I'm thankful to have you as my best friend Mika. Physically you have no flaw and you should be thankful for that."

Yosuke got up and he smiled at Ayano. "Seems like we have the start of a good group Miss Ando. For now you'll be residing with TRIGGER until you've made enough to be able to support yourselves."

"Actually sir, with our time with Aya's father we do have money to be able to live on our own. It'll probably just take us time to find a place." Liya stated

"Well if that's the case, you three will have temporary housing with TRIGGER till you've found yourselves a place to live. Afterwards I'd like to know where you three will be living in case I need to find you three."

Ayano nodded her head. "Of course, I can do that not a problem."

"Have a good evening girls, and best of luck."

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