Book Two:8

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After Ayano had taken her shower and gotten herself dressed, she was rather anxious as she had made dinner for Mika and Liya. Once the two girls were eating Gaku had called Ayano, she answered the phone rather quickly as she held it to her ear with both of her hands.

"Hey Yaotome."

"Hey, so I finally finished with helping my grandfather. I'd like to be able to get you, mind giving me the address to where you live? I had completely forgot to ask you for it when I saw you earlier."

Ayano laughed a bit and smiled. "Sure thing, I can give you it in a message Yaotome, I'll see you soon."

"Alright thank you Ando."

Once he hung up she quickly messaged him the address. The two girls saw how Ayano had acted and Liya raised an eyebrow at her. "Sis...are you sure this is just a 'friendly' date?"

Ayano looked at Liya flustered. "It should be...b-but I don't know what will happen though Liya."

"You should be as honest as possible with him. Let him know just what type of person you are and what you keep hidden from people. See if he can accept that part of you."

"W-Well with what we have for dinner I'll need to take my night time medication. It'll pop up one way or another." She said sheepishly

"Best of luck Aya." The girls said in unison

Ayano went outside and she sat on top of her car waiting for Gaku only to soon see the silver haired male in a car. He put his four-ways on before he got out of the car, she got up and smoothed out her dress before she smiled at Gaku. Gaku looked at her rather stunned. "You look rather nice Ando."

"T-thank you."

Gaku helped her into the passenger seat before he shut the door for her. Once he got to the drivers side he drove them to a restaurant. While he did he saw that she was rather anxious as she was fidgeting with her small purse that was on her lap.

"Is this the first time you've ever gone on a date Ando?"

"Friendly or otherwise-yeah." She said with a nod of her head "I don't know what to expect."

"Can I assume that you're completely innocent then?"

She nodded her head as she looked up at him. "T-That's a rather good assumption that would be completely correct. Even though I did have to date the eldest of HEAVENS by force. He is the least romantic male out there even if he tried to force himself onto me." She said as she went from looking at him to looking down at her bag

Her hands began to shake as she tried to forget about what had happened to her, Gaku frowned hearing what she said. "My father did a background check on you girls after you girls left, it had been noted that you girls were going to be working with that group. Were they really that bad?"

Ayano scoffed "Sweet Angels only had an issue with it's stuck up piece of shit leader and Sumeragi. Otherwise those boys were alright at best."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean by that?"

"It was their stuck up piece of shit leader that forced Sweet Angels to go to that studio to begin with. We weren't given a chance to find somewhere else to be on our own that would be the best for all of us girls. That male thought it'd be best to take control of us as if we were nothing. And Sumeragi...well he was who I was forced to be in a relationship with that only last a few days-and it's because of that forced relationship that Sweet Angels left that agency. Sumeragi tried to force himself on me and kept questioning me. I stutter a lot when I have Anxiety and panic attacks. He didn't seem to understand that." She said sadly

"Do you take anything for that?"

"For what my anxiety? Yeah-And for my depression."

"I could have called that, anxiety can be a side affect of depression medication. Tell me have you ever thought of doing it?"

"Have I ever thought of killing myself? Oh yeah-many times. Especially growing up with the meanies who chose to adopt me before Liya was born."

Gaku stopped at a red light before he looked at her. "Does your sister know?"

"Oh yeah, she knows. She has accepted me as I am. She's rather protective of me and because of how I was treated. She choses to be around me instead of her parents who she disowned."

"I saw that interview you did when you announced that your manager was really your father. But he isn't anymore is he?"

"Nope, I took that title away from him. I still see him as my father-just...I wish he could see me instead of my deceased mother." Ayano said sadly

"Is that the only reason you don't see eye to eye with your father?"

Ayano nodded her head. "Mhm, if he didn't see me as my mother I wouldn't have a problem with him. I don't mind knowing that I have a father figure. Heck I don't mind knowing that I have a baby sister. I just wish she wasn't such a brat and tries to control me."

"Is that why she isn't a part of Sweet Angels?"

She nodded her head "Mhm, she tried to bitch at me for having a snack while I had talked with Sumeragi before he and I were forced to get together. I don't know if you can tell or not-but I am very much under weight. Liya and Mika both know that I need to eat more, which slowly I have been. It's just been hard since my father had forced me to starve myself unless I had to take my medication. And even then I could only eat something 'small' that was low on calories just so I didn't 'ruin' my figure."

"I was curious and worried about how thin you are versus the other two girls. So isn't on your own volition that you are how you are. It was forced upon you."

"Mhm, I don't like it one bit. But I've been slowly day by day eating a little bit more until I can eat like the other girls do. It's just hard for me to eat three meals a day right now-I throw up every night since my body isn't used to it." She said sadly

Gaku continued to drive until he got to the restaurant he wanted to take her to. He then looked at her sadly. "Don't force yourself too much tonight, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you when you go back to your apartment Ando."

Ayano nodded her head. "O-Of course."

Gaku got out of the car and went to the other side as he helped her out, she was stunned at how much of a gentleman he was towards her. She thanked him before she took his hand to get out of the car. Once she was out of the car, he shut the door afterwards. The two of them then went into the restaurant where he pulled out a chair for her once they were sat down. Seeing just what type of person Gaku was, it made her realize just how much different he was than Sumeragi was.

Between being talked to by their waiter they talked a lot about their lives on and off, by the end of the night Gaku had a rather good feel about Ayano and didn't seem all that concerned about how she was. It didn't seem to matter to him if she took medication or not as long as she was okay. Once Ayano had gotten inside and said goodbye to Gaku, she shut the door only to see Mika and Liya waiting for her.

"So?" Liya asked curiously

"So what?" Ayano asked confused

"How different was that from dealing with Sumeragi?" Mika asked with a grin

Ayano looked more than a bit flustered. "He was a complete gentleman to me the entire night, he accepted me as I am and he was really thoughtful. He's a very sweet man, I think if I'm able to get to be around him a bit longer I could possibly see myself with him."

Liya smiled and squealed in delight "Sissy that's awesome! So are you going to bed?"

"Yeah, I've peopled too much."

"Alright night sissy." Liya said with a smile

"Night Li...Night Mi."She said before she went to her room

As she went into her room she took her jacket off and she went face first into the bed as she curled up hugging her pillow. "Fuck me this is so confusing." She whined into the pillow

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