Book Two:13

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Yosuke didn't spare a word or look towards the childish woman and instead kept his attention on Mika. "Do you still have contact with the woman?"

"Yes, in fact I do." She said with a nod of her head. "Every now and then I do end up talking with her."

"Please see to it that you get into contact with her soon. I wish to talk with the young female myself. For now the six of you are dismissed until I am able to get into touch with Miss Ashina." Yosuke said seriously

The six of them nodded their heads before leaving out, as they got to the elevator Gaku spoke up. "Girls, Do you mind having a late dinner with the boys and I?"

Ayano shook her head. "I don't mind...I need to take my night time medication before it gets any later."

"If Aya is okay with it then so am I." Mika said with a nod of her head

"I'm not so sure...Tenn seems to have a dislike for us girls." Liya said unease

Tenn let out a sigh as he looked at Liya. "I can assure you that I was merely gauging you girls nothing more. I apologize if I seemed rude and off to you girls. It was not intentional."

Liya hadn't expected to hear an apology from him but smiled and nodded her head. "Apology accepted, if that's the case then sure. I don't mind either."

The six of them walked to a nearby Shoppe that had sweet and nonsweet options on it. While they waited for their food Tenn wanted to get to know the girls a bit more since it was going to be official that the two groups were going to be working with one another.

"So now that the three of you have started working with us, I believe it's only fair that we get to know you girls since this entire time of you three being known as 'Sweet Angels' absolutely nothing has been out placed for the three of you girls let alone the girl that brought you three down." Tenn stated

"You speak of Akira...yeah she's never going to be a sweet angel anymore. As for the rest of us, it depends on what you wish to know." Ayano said speaking up for the girls and herself.

Tenn grinned at the elder female. "Very well, the strengths and weaknesses of all of you."

"Depends on the person honestly. Mika is a wonderful actress and can sing rather well but her movements are always a bit weaker and off than Liya and I's." Ayano began to explained

Mika frowned as she heard Ayano speak. "In turn Liya is amazing at Singing and Dancing due to the tutors that her stupid parents placed her through. But the Tutors never helped her with her acting, she is horrible at it. What she has done has been rehearse and had so many retakes." 

Liya averted her eyes knowing that Ayano caught onto what she could and couldn't do. "Now as for myself I can act and dance just fine, but I lack the singing pitch both of the girls have. It's why in many of the songs we sing together they sing more than I do." Ayano stated

Tenn raised an eyebrow at Ayano. "I doubt anything you just told me is actually true about the three of you."

Ayano looked at him stunned. "W-What makes you say that?"

"I can tell by how you spoke about what you had that it was things you personally had no intellect knowledge on. In the past when you've explained things you've gone into rather harsh detail with everything you say. You didn't this time. Which means you said what you had due to what you have heard someone else say to you girls." Tenn stated

Ayano's golden eyes widened as she heard him speak. "Y-You can deduct that much from what I've said?"

"Of course I can. So let me guess it was your ass of a father wasn't it?" Tenn asked blandly

Ayano nodded her head. "Y-Yes."

"Figures, I believe in time you girls will find your own weaknesses and strengths. Don't let anyone tell you something about yourself that you personally can't see within you." Tenn said seriously

Gaku and Ryu nodded their heads in agreement "In time you girls will know just what all you can and can't do and be able to make boundaries for yourselves." Ryu said with a smile

"Speaking of which, Ando you personally seem to think so low about yourself. Forget what your arse of a father thinks of you. He has controlled you for long enough, you are an adult you should be more than old enough to take control of what you think of yourself without his tainted words getting into your head." Tenn said seriously as he looked straight at Ayano

"H-He isn't the only one though." Ayano said sadly

"Tell me honestly, do you think that Liya's parents are true parents to you?" Tenn asked

She shook her head no quickly, he then smiled and tilted his head to the side as he leaned against the table. "Then forget their words, forget all of the hate and the harsh comments they've said about you. You need to realize that the only critic that you need to listen to is yourself."

She balled her hands up on her skirt as she heard him speak. "O....Okay. It might take a bit but...But I think I can do that."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it. You need to lead Tsiki and Santa with a stern back. Don't let anyone break you girls down."

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