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The next day, it was around noon when Ayano had gotten a call from Aoi, she answered it as she was drawing in her room. "Afternoon Aoi."

"Afternoon Ayano-so...have you figured it out yet?"

She let out a stressed sigh. "How many more people other than you like me like that?"

He chuckled a bit. "So you figured it out that easily huh...well that's not surprising-you are a rather smart woman. Let's see I know that Hajime does, oddly so does Shun-he won't shut up about you since we saw you yesterday."

Ayano laughed a bit hearing about Shun. "For once he isn't obsessing over Hajime...that's a first."

"Right? hm..Yamato from IDOLiSH does, as does Masato from STARISH, and Reiji from QUARTET NIGHT...and those are only the people that I know off-hand that I know do. It may be a bit more than them."

Ayano whined out. "For the love...you boys need to get better eye sight I swear. I'm not that attractive."

"Now that's nonsense, you've always been pushed down and talked down by those you lived with. You're used to people not seeing you for who you are and not loving you. You need to realize that you are an amazing woman that has captivated a lot of males hearts whether you want to admit it to yourself or not." Aoi said sincerely to her

She huffed out a bit. "You know-I really hate it that you're using Logic on me."

"Sorry but it just how it is Aya."

"I know...I know. I need to think about the information you've given me. So I'll talk to you later Aoi."

"Alright Aya."

The call ended before she sighed out. "Fuck my life." She muttered to herself

As she was in the midst of her thoughts she could hear Asaya yelling-so she chose to leave her room only to see that Asaya was yelling at Liya as her back was to her.

"...Ayano is my big sister! Stop saying 'our big sister' when she isn't your sister! She's mine so back off bitch!"

Liya could see that Ayano was behind Asaya and took a deep breath, knowing that anything that she would say would be heard by Ayano as well. "She may be blood to you-but she doesn't know you as she knows me. You didn't grow up or bonded with her like I have. You may claim what you will-but it is up to Ayano to call us sister or not. She can drop you as her sister at any point in time, be it for whatever reason she wishes. You can't keep me from calling the woman that I've always known as sister away from me. You're just a teenager, you know nothing about how amazing Ayano is. You know nothing about her struggles about all of the nonsense that she's gone through over the many years of not knowing you. I do and I can tell you that no one knows her and can call her big sister like I can. Sure I'm not the best little sister out there, but I am trying to be better for her sake."

"Yeah right! Ayano just needs me in her life! You're nothing!"

"Oh really? How is my younger sister nothing more than you are? She's been through enough shit with me to be validated as my sister and bandmate. What are your accomplishments Asaya?" Ayano said with her arms crossed

Asaya froze as she heard the voice of Ayano only to weakly turn herself around knowing that she was in deep shit hearing her sister speak. "B-Big sis..."

"Oh don't even with me. Liya and you are both my younger sisters-I don't want you talking big shit when you've done nothing to show that you are a sister to me. Once that shows then maybe you'll have ground to walk on-until then get your ass back in your room and study. You are still a minor in school which means that takes priority brat, get your ass moving." Ayano said point go the door to her room

"Y-Yes Ayano." Asaya said sadly before she sulked back into her room

Once it was just Liya and Ayano, Ayano hugged her tightly. "Always and forever you'll be my little sister-nothing will change that. I wouldn't be able to be here hadn't it been for you."

Liya teared up and she hugged Ayano back. "T-Thank you for coming out and talking with her. Her and I have been going back and forth with that shit since you napped yesterday."

"I can only guess what's that's doing to you. It's alright-I got your back. Do you know where my father is?"

"Mhm, he's in the common room with Mika. I actually went to get you when Asaya had stopped me, she had wanted to start up the whole 'Ayano isn't your sister stop saying that' bull shit."

Ayano sighed out before she placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, I'll deal with her later. Please for now...stay away from her."

Liya nodded her head and went with Ayano to the common area where her father smiled seeing her. "Ah good you got her Liya. You three have a job as a trio to do. It's with a studio that wishes to work with us."

Ayano tilted her head curiously. "Really, which studio?"

"Raging studios."

"So...we're working with HEAVENS." Ayano said with a sigh "Great..."

Liya and Mika looked at her confused. "What's so wrong about working with HEAVENS?" Liya asked

"I...I just have a bad feeling about this." Ayano said with a frown

Her father placed his hands on her shoulders. "It'll be alright, I'll be there the entire time."

Ayano nodded her head as she looked at her father with a sad smile. "O-okay father."

The four of them left out after their manager had told Asaya that he was taking the three elders on a job. When they got to the job site the trio saw that it wasn't just HEAVENS they were working with it was STARISH as well. Otoya, Masato and Ren were there and happy to see the three girls.

"Aya! Mika! Liya! You three made it!" Otoya said happily waving his hands above his head

Liya giggled a bit. "Afternoon Otoya, it's good to see you too. How have you been?" She asked as the four of them got closer to them

"Good, we were told that we'd be working with HEAVENS and you three." Otoya said excited

Ayano then spoke up. "Do you know who from HEAVENS?"

He nodded his head excitedly "Van, Kira and Eiichi."

"Hm, Alright then. Now this next question is going to be a bit personal...when you guys were in that odd unknown place to all of us a day ago-Just how many of you actually went through with it because you loved me?"Ayano said seriously

Hearing her question all three males stiffened up, seeing their reaction was more of an answer than anything they could of said to her. She shut her eyes and sighed out. "Figures...Let me place this out there. I don't feel comfortable dating someone who hasn't fulfilled a promise to me. None of you will ever get the chance to be around me because of that fact. I don't care what the reason was, if you make a promise you need to keep it." She said as she opened her eyes and stared at them seriously

All three of them looked at her sadly before she walked around them to introduce herself to the three males of HEAVENS. When she found the three males they were talking among themselves. One of them saw her go towards them and stopped looking to the other two.

"You must be one of the girls we're working with." The male stated

She nodded her head. "I am. My name is Ando Ayano. I look forward to working with the three of you. I've heard a lot from STARISH about HEAVENS." She said as she bowed her head respectfully

"I'm Sumeragi Kira." The male stated

"STARISH talked to you about us? I hope it was good things about us. I'm Otori Eiichi."

Ayano nodded her head at the question Eiichi had asked her. "It was all good things." She said with a small smile.

"Well that's good to hear. I'm Kiryuin Van. It's odd that they've never once spoken about you-you'd think that they'd say something to us about working with a chill woman like yourself."

Ayano shrugged. "That's their problem not mine."

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