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The next day, Ayano went to the clinic where she had first went to get her medication only to get it fixed-afterwards her manager got her and took her to the talk shows studio where a young female was waiting for them. Ayano hugged her tightly. "Ready to introduce yourself sis?!"

"Y-Yes, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your group big sis!"

"Hey it's fathers idea to have you be a part of Sweet Angel. C'mon let's go!" Ayano said with a smile

The two of them went in with the manager, half way through the talk show-Ayano was able to go out, she had a bright smile on her face. As she was going on to the shows set she noticed all of the guys that she was friends with in the audience. Internally she was very excited to see them there as the talk show host smiled seeing her. "It's been a while since we've seen you here Ayano-your manager tells us that you don't go by the family name Santa anymore, might explaining why? You aren't married now are you?"

Ayano gave a weak smile shaking her head with her hands in front of her. "Oh goodness no! The surname Santa came from the awful couple that took me in when they adopted me. I want people to know that I have found my real parents...well at least one of them anyways. The family name that I now go by is Ando. With finding my parent, I also found out that I have a younger sister as well. Her name is Asaya."

The talk show host was stunned to hear what Ayano was saying. "Oh goodness, no one knew that you were adopted. That's a shocker."

She gave the talk show host a small smile. "I never made it known because I was waiting for the right time to let people know, I have a lot of close friends who knew that kept it to themselves. Which I'm grateful for." She said as she placed a hand on her chest where her heart was.

"We've also heard that you no longer have Santara Akara as your band mate, what made that happen?"

She leaned back in the chair and sighed out. "That there is a long trickle of effects that happened since I was a mere teenager at the age of sixteen. So almost ten years ago give or take. Akara used to be my best friend, she used to be someone I went to when I had no one else to turn to. But she back stabbed me and even went as far as trifled in things that weren't hers to do. She openly went to people that I no longer talked to telling them lies to this day irk me."

The talk show host looked confused. "What do you mean by that?"

Ayano took a deep breath and sighed out before she looked at the talk show host. "Well...how to place this. Akara talked with my adoptive parents after they had disowned me. She had bad blood with me-she wanted me out of Sweet Angels because she didn't think with how I am that I could handle being part of the group. what she didn't seem to realize is I will never be kicked out, my manager is my father." Ayano said seriously

The talk show host was stunned. "I see. How does it make you feel that Akara did what she had?"

"At first I didn't know that it was Akara that was making things bad for me, I didn't know why every time I had a job that my father personally gave me that the two that had disowned me would be there lurking around as if to remind me how much I don't mean to them. It wasn't until recently that I found out from my bestie Mika and my adopted younger sister Liya, my two loyal team mates that Akara was doing things behind my back. As of now-I feel a bit relieved. Akara is in jail for attempting murder on my life and for taking money from two people who wanted to kill me just so Liya could be in the 'spot light' when it is equal opportunities for everyone in Sweet Angels to shine."

"I see, so it's been found out that after your group had performed that all of the missing groups had shown up in their rooms in Hirose venue. Do you know what happened there?"

Ayano shrugged "Not a clue, but I'm glad they came back...hadn't it been for my dearest friend and Senpai Kotobuki Reiji, I wouldn't be here. He kept me from almost giving in to what those awful people wanted me to do from the time I was ten years old."

"I see, well the last thing I have here is that you now have a replacement for Akara. Is that true?"

Ayano smiled happily. "Yes! That's very true. Without Akara, Mika and Liya knowing I did a closed audition with a few people who my father scouted out. Earlier I had mentioned my younger sister Asaya-out of all of the people that I had managed to hear and see with my eyes. The one who had the most potential was my younger sister." Ayano said excitedly-she had talked rather quickly as she was talking about her younger sister.

"Is she here with us today?"

Ayano nodded her head excitedly. "Yes! I made sure she was." She said happily

"Then let's bring her out to meet everyone shall we?"

Ayano nodded her head as she got up. "Sis! Come on out!"

Asaya came out and she looked almost exactly like Ayano just she looked a bit younger. Ayano hugged her tightly and smiled. "Don't worry I'm right here sis."

Asaya nodded her head as she hugged her sister back. The two of them sat down before the talk show host looked baffled. "You two look almost too alike."

Asaya giggled a bit. "I know, father has a bit of a hard time telling us apart. It's why he got us the necklaces we have. It's to tell us apart."

"So we all know that your elder sister is twenty five years old. So how old are you Asaya?"

Asaya looked at Ayano who smiled and held her hand in hers, letting her know that she was in good hands. Asaya then looked at the talk show host. "I'm sixteen years old."

"Oh there's a bit of a gap then huh. That would make you the youngest of Sweet Angels if I'm not correct."

Asaya nodded her head. "Yes...just like Ayano-I've been an orphan all of my life up till a few months ago when her and I's father found me."

"So here's a question for you Ayano, what does Liya think about you having another sister one that's actually blood related to you?"

"I don't know-she doesn't know yet that asaya is part of the group or that she's my blood younger sister."

"Oh? Do you think she'll take it well?"

Ayano was quiet for a bit before she shrugged. "She might-I can never tell with her."

"I've also been told that in secret you two have been working together on a duet, will you be performing that for us today?"

Both of them nodded their heads. "Yes, it'll be Asaya's first official performance as a part of Sweet Angels."

"Sounds great! We will be right back after these short commercials to hear these two perform!"

Once they were off the air ayano got up and pulled her sister up, while their manager got up. "You did well Ayano, remember try not to do things too quickly for Asaya."

Ayano smiled as she took her mic from her father. "I won't!" She said happily

Asaya took her mic from her father before she looked at Ayano. "You seem more hyper than usual sis, are you good?"

"Mhm, just really happy to be around someone who I know will always have my back." Ayano said happily as she hugged and smothered her younger sister.

Asaya whined out before they were shown where they'd be performing as a duo. When they were able to play their song 'Wild fire/ Copy Cat'

For the lyrics of Wild Fire were sang by Asaya and Copy Cat was sang by Ayano as they danced in unison together without missing a beat. While Asaya was singing-Ayano did her back up vocals, showing just how well the two of them worked together as a pair. When they finished with their song both of them bowed as the audience clapped.

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