Book Two:7

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After the girls had managed to get everything settled in their new home, there was a knock on the door. Mika got it since she was closer to the door than Liya and Ayano were, the smile she once held on her face faded seeing it was the males from Shining entertainment. She let out a sigh and let them in before she went to get Ayano and Liya. Once the girls entered their sitting room Ayano sat in her favorite chair as the two girls stayed on either side of her. They refused to be away from their leader.

"It seems like the lot of us needs to talk." Reiji stated

"Do we though?" Liya asked "You assholes chose to decline being around Aya for her birthday yesterday all because of us being forced into raging entertainment! You all wanted nothing to do with Aya or us because of that! None of you even told us why you didn't want anything to do with Aya or us!"

"Not to mention, all of you got distant after Ayano-within her own right, chose to let all of you down. You guys don't seem to understand just how fragile minded or how much Aya doesn't trust men because of her shitty father! None of you have given her or I a reason to be around any of you!" Mika said with her arms crossed

Ayano was surprised to hear just how up in arms Liya and Mika were, but said nothing about it as she just let them get off the steam that they wished. When the girls were done speaking Ayano spoke up.

"You boys obviously have upset my girls-which I can't have. My girls come first. So speak your peace. None of us want 'excuses'. All of you are old enough to tell us just what the hell is going on with all of you and why you've all chosen to act like children instead of like the adults all of you are." Ayano said seriously

Ren spoke up first. "After Tamaki had called you that night he had Ando-Otoya had been called by Eiichi stating that Sweet Angels shouldn't be contacted by STARISH or any other group they were previously around since HEAVENS is all they needed. None of us were happy to hear that."

Liya sighed out "I had been around Eiichi when he called you guys, I told him not to do that. Aya needs the friendships that she made with all of you. Especially after the fact when Sumeragi chose to be a dickless bastard towards Aya and that bastard Eiichi was enforcing the dickless energy."

"So what we were told was him jumping the gun then. You girls never wanted to cut ties to us...did you?" Tokiya asked

Mika and Liya shook their heads as Ayano stayed emotionless, she had no reason to show emotion towards those who chose to break ties with her and Sweet Angels. Reiji could tell that she was being as stubborn as ever so he looked at her sadly. "Aya-We all know what happened was wrong. We want to apologize for what happened."

"Depending on what circumstances you all chose to be dickless bastards depends on whether I will forgive all of you or drop you all like you all heartlessly did to me." Ayano said with no emotion

Ranmaru was getting frustrated with the lack of emotion coming from Ayano. "Listen kid, we're sorry we didn't go along with that surprise party that iDOLiSH7 did up for you alright? After hearing Eiichi talk about how HEAVENS was all Sweet Angels needed really irked us. We never wanted to lose contact with you or the rest of the girls from Sweet Angels. We just didn't like how things happened."

"Just what happened that made Sweet Angels be under Raging Entertainment anyways?" Syo asked

"We aren't anymore first off." Liya stated

"And secondly-the reason we were was because that bastard Eiichi had called his father while Aya and Liya were dealing with things with Aya's idiot younger sister. He wouldn't listen to me, he kept saying 'it's for the best' as if we had no say in what happened."

"Thankfully we never signed a contract with the company so we can't really say that we worked for that company. Unlike the company we're working for now." Liya stated

Ayano nodded her head "Sweet Angels is working for Yaotome Industries now. Hopefully we'll be doing better there. Now I should point out that I've never liked just how possessive and controlling that bastard Eiichi Otori was towards Sweet Angels. He thought that he could control us because we're females, but he didn't know just how stubborn I am. So he butted heads with a bull and got more than just the horns." She said with her arms crossed

The lot of them looked at one another before Masato placed a hand on his chest. "We truly do apologize for not talking to you three. We never meant for things to get so bad."

Ayano got up and she placed her hands together behind her back. "I've heard enough, Most if not all of you are older than those of HEAVENS. The fact that all of you chose to listen to them instead of getting first hand information from one of us girl is sickening at the least. I had to say what I had to those whom called me because I was around Sumeragi who forced my hand. Had someone called me when I wasn't around that male I would have given the full honest truth. Now please leave our apartment and remove our numbers from your phones. From here on forth I am revoking myself as friends to all of you. Friends don't turn their backs on friends. And you all have done so more than once."

Reiji looked at Ayano sadly before he got up and he placed his hands on her shoulders. "please don't do this! We never meant for things to go so badly!"

Ayano took his hands off of her shoulders. "I've said my peace. Please leave Kotobuki." Ayano said before she left the room without another word

Liya sighed out and shut her eyes before she opened them looking at all of the males "You all promised her a lot and chose to ignored just how fast we changed companies. There was no acknowledge of a red flag or anything like that. So you all did this to yourselves. I tried to make you all build a bridge of communication yesterday but you all chose to be assholes. So I'm with my sister. You all dug your graves-so lie in them."

Liya then walked back to where she had been before leaving Mika alone with the guys, she opened the door. "I have nothing to add to what they've already said."

One by one all of them left the apartment once the last left the apartment she shut the door and she went to check up on Ayano only to see her looking through her clothes. "Hey Aya, what's up?"

"I'm going on a friendly date with Yaotome just so he and I can get to know one another." Ayano said with a smile

Mika smiled hearing her speak. "Aww, this is your first date! Let me help you pick the right outfit. You don't want to look like your trying too hard."

Ayano gave her a sad smile. "Thanks, I'm so anxious I don't know what to wear."

"I got you Aya."

Mika went through her clothes and she found the perfect outfit and gave it to Ayano. "You might wanna take a shower, it's been a while since any of us girls have bathed and you don't want to smell bad when you're around him."

Ayano nodded her head. "'re right. I can do that not a problem.. Thank you so much Mi."

"Not a problem, here to help. So mind if I talk to you before you shower?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Are you really going to reject the friendship of all of those guys?"

"Yes and I'm not going to regret it. We don't need toxic males in our lives. Let alone males that can't use their brains." Ayano said as she got her bathing soaps out of her suit case before she shut her suit case once more. 

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