Book Two: 22

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Mika and Liya were both curious on which ones they'd be working on, It was Tenn that spoke up. "So just what am I working with Liya on?" He inquired towards Rena

"Yaotome suggested that the two of you do the Toffee Chocolate one." Rena said as she got the toffee candy and the papers for what's in it to the two people who'd be promoting it

Tenn tried the candy as did Liya before liya's green eyes lit up trying it. "This is really good!"

"Thank you, I'm glad you think so." Rena said with a smile

"Not too bad, you did rather well with taste of it. So how will we be doing this then?"

"Well I don't like showing the faces of the people who work with me, I prefer using cartoon characters to do so instead. So I was hoping you all would be okay with that." Rena said nervously

"Do you even know how to do something like that Re?" Mika asked curiously

"Mhm! I have an entire team of people who have degrees in the field." Rena said with a nod of her head as she looked at Mika

"Is this your first project with chocolates or have you worked with others before us?" Liya inquired

"I've worked with Re:Vale. I'm rather close friends with Yuki from the group and the two of them actually helped kick start my chocolate company with what the two of them did."

Those from TRIGGER hearing that she was close friends with one of the males from Re:Vale made it rather clear that she knew what she was doing especially if they agreed to work with her. Tenn leaned forward as he spoke to Rena. "Do you mind showing us what you did with them? Its not that we don't trust you or your team we'd like to see what they are capable of doing Ashina."

Rena nodded her head. "Sure thing! I can do that not a problem."

She got her tablet and she keyed up the commercial that Yuki did before she showed it to them. It was a three minute commercial with a chocolate bar singing a song with Yuki's voice promoting her company and the chocolate. Once it ended the one for Momo played and his was a cookie and cream chocolate bar singing in his voice promoting the chocolate and company. The last one was the two animated characters dancing and singing together. Once it ended she turned her tablet off and it was silent in the room before Gaku spoke up

"Your animated team did rather well with those commercial, I don't think we have anything to worry about."

Tenn nodded his head in agreement "They were very well thought out and done up. I must ask this of you Ashina, those songs did they do those themselves or did you hire someone to make those for them?"

"Neither." Rena said shaking her head

Tenn raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "Okay? Elaborate Ashina?"

"I wrote the songs melody's, it was up to them to place words to the music I gave them." Rena stated before she went through an accordion folder in front of her "Speaking of which, I should give all of you the music sheets to the chocolates you'll be doing."

Tenn and Liya were given the music piece for the toffee one as Ryu and Mika were given the one for the Cherry covered chocolates as well as the sheets that had what was inside of the chocolate the were going to promote. When Tenn looked at the music sheet he placed it down as he looked at her.

"Why aren't you an idol if you can do something like this?"

"And piss my parents off even more than I have in the past for doing a candy business like them? Ha! No...not a darn chance. I value my dark depressed life thank you very much." Rena said shaking her head

"So is it safe to say you'll be working with Tenn and Liya first?" Ayano asked curiously

"Yep seems that way since they've been asking the most questions right now." Rena said with a nod of her head

"How long do you think it'll take to work with them?" Ayano inquired

"I honestly don't know-depends on how well they can work together and not cause me trouble."

"That's fair. If I'm needed you do have my number it hasn't changed since the last time we spoke." Ayano said with a smile

Rena nodded her head. "Okies, will do aya senpai." Rena said with a smile

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