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Mika placed her hands together as she looked at Ren. "That's because while we were first coming together as a group-I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. I wanted to get to know her after that interaction with Liya's parents and her. I knew something was up and I didn't like knowing that she had been singled out like that. I just wished she would have told me about what was going on with her-I would have understood what was going on with her and still accept her as a friend and as the leader of our group."

"Sure you would, I highly doubt you'd give a damn about that woman with all of her downs." Akara said with a scoff

"At least I've never done anything wrong like you have! How could you have talked so bad about her when she's done nothing wrong to you!? How could you act like nothing is wrong when you're the reason she doesn't trust anyone!" Mika said annoyed

"She isn't the only one though." Liya said sadly

"That is true she isn't, but she could have made things easier for her." Mika said seriously as she looked at Liya with her arms crossed "I'm glad you've been trying to get her to see that you'll accept her no matter what, but you still have a long way to go before things are okay between the two of you."

Mika then got onto the stage and she went up to the doors. "Out of the three of us-I've never done or said anything wrong to Ayano. I'm her true friend out of us! You two don't deserve to be a part of our lovely group and I hope after this you two get booted for your wrong doings to her!" Mika said seriously before she pushed the doors opened and walked through them.

Liya frowned as she looked down sadly. "I've been trying to get sis to accept me and open up to me...but she's so stubborn, it's hard to get past the fact that she doesn't trust anyone."

A few of the males shook their heads. "Maybe it isn't the fact you've tried to get her to trust you than it is the fact that she might be holding onto a large grudge on you. It seems with what we just saw that your parents haven't ever cared for her and even went as far as lied to you about where she went for years." Yamato said seriously

"Had my elder brother ran off-I would have instantly went looking for him. If you truly cared about her, you should have went looking for her instead of taking things as they were." Iori said agreeing with Yamato

Liya frowned as she looked at Iori "So you're saying I'm a bad sister for not looking for Ayano?"

"It seems that way. Listen, I know you're just learning the truth about what's been going on with your sister but that doesn't mean that you should keep that ignorance that you've had for the last ten plus years. Your sister is showing all of this to us for a reason you need to be a bit more open minded about what's going on." Shun said as he went up to her placing a hand on her shoulder

Liya teared up. "B-But what if she doesn't wanna be near me anymore? what then?"

"Then you need to hear her reasons on why and try to get her to see your side of things." Hajime said seriously "It seems like she's always pushing herself down and placing a large amount of darkness around her emotions and mental state. You need to help her out of that if you truly care for her."

"There's only so much all of us as friends of her can do." Ren said with a sigh

"As her sister, you need to be the one to break her out of it. None of us know her like you should." Tokiya said with a sad smile

Liya sniffled a bit and nodded her head. "O-Okay...I'mma try to. T-Thank you guys...I can see now why you are all friends with Aya...big sis is really lucky to have all of you as her friend. S-She really needs people who'd support her like the lot of you do."

Akara rolled her eyes. "You're getting sentimental over nothing Liya. Get over yourself."

"What is your problem Akara? You've been wishy washy for a while now." Tamaki asked

Akara glared at the blue haired male. "I'll tell you what my problem is. People are so worried about a woman who has mental issues when she isn't the only damn person who has problems! Why does it matter whether or not we find her or that she ends up being 'saved'. She's just gonna be the same as before."

Before any of them could say a word Akara had white bandage wrap around her and pull her up above all of them. Liya was stunned that Akara was taken and felt unsure. "D-Do you think big sis can hear us?"

"I'm pretty sure she can, why else would Akara be pulled off like that. Let's meet up with Mika and figure out how to get to her." Shun said with a smile

Liya nodded her head and she walked with the males to the next area. When they did-they saw Mika talking with Quartet Night. Mika then went up to Liya and the others. "I heard Akara scream, what the hell happened?"

Liya shook her head. "Akara said something that offended Ayano. I firmly believe she can hear all of us talking. Akara was taken somewhere-so we gotta go on without her for now."

"Damn idiot...alright then. I've already let Quartet Night know what's going on."

"Hey Mika, Reiji got something on his phone." Ranmaru shouted

Mika and Liya both went up to them only for Reiji to say aloud what was written on his phone. "As time goes on, we age up. But you're never to old to lend a hand. For the four of you I thank you for giving me what strength I had to continue on the journey I've had gone through. Please never forget that without the four of you I may have never had gotten past the stage fright I once had."

Liya and Mika were stunned to hear that Ayano had stage fright, she was so good at not showing her emotions that it was rather surprising that the elder four males knew and helped her through it. Reiji smiled as he read the message. "Aww, Aya-no need to thank us. We did what we had because you asked us to. You are our friend you had to have known that." Reiji said with a sincere smile

The stage made itself known and four mics made themselves known-with it stars on the ribbons on the mics showed. The four males got onto the stage. When they did Reiji looked upwards, figuring she was hearing them from above them. "What did you want to hear from us Aya?"

It wasn't long before music played and the four males all knew just what they were performing for her. All four of them held onto the mic's that had their signature color before they all began to 

After they finished singing the room got lighter as they all heard Ayano crying. "Help me...please..."

Liya and Mika's eyes were wide as they heard Ayano's sad voice. "Ayano!?" They said in unison "Where are you?!"

They didn't get an answer as the door showed itself and it was dark. The two girls got closer to the door to figure out how to deal with the fact that Ayano was called out for help, they wanted to help her out, they wanted to be there to do whatever it took to show her that they cared for her. Before they managed to get to where the door was they were pushed back as it showed the second part of what the groups before had seen.

All of them saw the girls manager as he had came in looking rather unamused to see Liya's parents in the meeting room where they weren't invited or supposed to be in.

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