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Ayano averted her eyes as she let out a small sigh. "A very blunt question-but yes. I honestly never thought that I'd get a boyfriend. Let alone get to be with someone as handsome and gentlemen like as you are Kira. So I'm scared shitless that this is going to backfire on us and I'm going to be without anyone to lean against."

He made her look at him before he tilted his head to the side. "You're going to be okay. "


He nodded his head slightly. "Promise. I'd never hurt you."

She took a deep breath before she gave him a small smile. "O-okay...I-I'll go through with it. I trust you Kira."

"Do you trust yourself though?"

She blinked her eyes a few times. "W-What do you mean do I trust myself?"

"Will you be able to trust yourself with your judgement? Are you going to regret this?"

"I-I'd never regret this Kira."

"You've never stuttered up to now. How can I be sure you're not-" Kira said before she pushed him off of her

She then left the room, upset that she was being questioned. She made sure to take her phone and she chose to just go to a hotel room for the night. Ayano didn't think that she could trust anyone she was friends with or the females she was bandmates with. When she got to the hotel room she lied on the bed and cried into the pillow. Instantly after five minutes of crying her phone was going off with Kira's number-but she ignored his call. Placing her phone on silent after the call completely finished, she then just watched as her phone was constantly being called by the males from HEAVENS and even from her sister and Mika.

Then ten minutes later she had gotten a call by Aoi-which was ignored, but he left a voice message for her. So she listened to it, wondering what the hell he wanted.

'Ayano, I know you're not in a good mind set with good reason. The guys for HEAVENS are worried sick about you and so are your bandmates. I can understand if you don't want to be around them-but please at least let them know you're okay. You have a lot of people worried right now'

She didn't care if people 'worried' about her, she thought that Kira loved her but maybe it was just a joke-a sick joke she thought was real. She sat up and she called Aoi back, which she instantly got him after a few rings.

"Ayano, you listened to my message?"

"I...I did...I don't care if they're worried about me. I'm not going back there. Not when I feel unsafe and uncomfortable there."

"I was told that sumeragi had said something that really made you go on edge and leave. Mind me asking what it was that had you on edge?"

She sniffled and hugged her legs. "I didn't go off the edge! I was worried and concerned about Kira taking my damn virginity and he kept on second guessing me! I was afraid! I was scared so I stuttered! He asked me if I trusted myself or would regret it. Of course I wouldn't have if he wasn't such a damn jerk about it! I loved him and for what?! to be questioned about how I am?! He doesn't even know me that damn well!"

Ayano then broke down crying again "I hate this Aoi...I hate that my life has come to this. It's all because of some stupid movie Raging wants Kira and I to do that's X rated. Yes I'm an adult but my first damn movie experience shouldn't be a porno movie."

Aoi was quiet for a bit before he let out a small sigh. "Where are you? I can give you some company for the night. You really shouldn't be left alone where you are with that type of mind set."

She told him where she was before he told her that he'd be there as soon as he could. She thanked him before she hung up and she lied down in a sobbing fit again. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door, Ayano looked through the peep hole to see that it was Aoi and he looked very concerned about her.

What is Love? [Multi Idol Love story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang