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Ayano had let Aoi into the hotel room and locked the door behind him as he went to sit down on one of the chairs in the hotel room. Ayano went to sit on the bed as she hugged one of the pillows.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this Aya."

Ayano looked down sadly "I don't want to deal with HEAVENS or my bandmates right now. I was pushed to be in a relationship with Sumeragi and even with that I don't feel a connection like I thought I would. I don't feel anything being around him." She said sadly

"Maybe it's because he doesn't show interest back in you?"

"No, I know he's infatuated with me. He's apparently been a fan of mine since I made a name for myself. I've seen with my own eyes just how much of a fan he is of me."

"Maybe he has his own twisted version of himself that he thought you'd be like which you aren't." Aoi suggested

Ayano's golden eyes widened hearing him speak. "T-that...That might be it. Sumeragi has only ever seen how I've been on stage and on screens. Never face to face with me being able to have my guard down."

"Do you think that he'll ever see the real you?"

Ayano shook her head no "I don't want to go back there, I don't feel all that welcomed there." She said sadly

"Then don't. You do have a lot of people worried about you. We all understand that we've been pressuring you too much and have chosen to back off of you. You have every right to reject all of us when we can't even keep one promise to you when you needed us the most. But we still see you as our friend Aya." Aoi stated sincerely

She hugged the pillow a bit tighter. "I don't know Aoi...I'm starting to get a lot of trust issues." She said sadly

Aoi got up and he sat down beside her. "It's okay, I get it. At least let us at Six Gravity help you out Aya. We're your friends and we just want to make sure you are happy."

Ayano thought for a moment before she nodded her head. She would rather be around familiar people than be in a strange hotel all on her own. Aoi smiled and helped her get her things before the two of them left out together. Aoi took her to the dorms for Six Gravity and Procellarum, when they got inside Koi and Arata were waiting for him by the door.

"Oh so that's why you left, you had been talking with Aya." Koi stated

Arata looked at Ayano concerned "Are you okay?"

"As okay as a mentally unstable woman can get." She said sadly

"Is Hajime still up?" Aoi asked them as he shut the door behind ayano

"Yeah, he's just sitting in the other room talking with Haru and Kakuru." Koi stated

Aoi went passed them with Ayano as they had went with the duo following behind them. When Hajime saw Aoi with Ayano he placed his tea cup down. "You have Ando with you...is that why you left so quickly earlier?"

"Yeah, she was having a melt down and I wanted to be there for her." Aoi said with a nod of his head

Hajime looked at Ayano seriously "Are you okay?"

"As I can be right now, thanks for asking."

"Please sit, talk with us. What's going on with you?" Hajime asked

She sat down beside Haru and she let out a small stressed sigh as she had her hands on her hands. "I don't even know where to start, my mind is racing and becoming a pile of mush right now."

"Well what made you want to have Sweet Angels be a part of Raging studios?" Haru asked

"I didn't. That was chosen for me by the bastard who is the youngest son of Raging. He did so without even asking me." Ayano said sadly "It was my only escape from my perverted asshole of a father though, so I guess it wasn't too bad of a thing to do even though while we've been there that man has been rude and discouraging."

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