DT: Forty- Five

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A month had drifted by, and Xiao Zhan found himself breathing easier. His father's unrelenting calls had ceased, leaving him in a serene lull. His once-swollen cheeks had healed, fading into a distant memory. His days were filled with laughter, shared moments, and a sense of genuine happiness, all thanks to his loving boyfriends. They tirelessly worked to keep his thoughts away from the haunting specter of his father. When they weren't busy with their respective commitments, they explored their shared interests, or they indulged in cozy, intimate moments, sometimes bordering on the mischievous side. Life felt blissfully complete.

Today unfolded much like their usual weekends, where they reveled in the pleasure of shared warmth beneath tangled sheets. The fragrance of three distinct pheromones intermingled in the air, an intoxicating blend that remained from the night before.

After a long day filled with teaching and schoolwork, the trio had indulged in a little relaxation. It began with a single bottle of wine, only to multiply into two and then three, all accompanied by lively conversations and laughter. With the alcohol coursing through their veins, their gaming session on the twins' console had transitioned into a wild dancing battle, a testament to the uninhibited joy of the night. As the hours grew late, the evening had taken a more intimate turn, leading to passionate encounters that they'd likely never remember, save for the delightful aftermath that now surrounded them.

Xiao Zhan stirred first from their tangle of limbs, his head throbbing painfully as the remnants of a wild night danced within his memory. As he attempted to lift his head, the relentless agony of a hangover forced him back down. He winced, quietly cursing his throbbing headache, and tried to gather his thoughts. However, he was soon distracted as he felt an unexpected sensation gush from his rear. Panic and confusion surged through him, as he struggled to recall the events of the previous night.

Before he could piece together the fragments of his hazy memory, the twin alphas began to stir beside him. Groggily, they hummed in discomfort, their voices hoarse as they opened their eyes. A smile played on their faces but quickly turned into winces, as the piercing headache from the previous night's revelry settled in.

"Must be the hangover," Xiao Zhan croaked, his voice sounding worse than the alphas had expected. He only noticed the itch in his throat as he spoke.

The two alphas chuckled softly at their omega's raspy voice, finding it endearing. They tightened their embrace around him, drawing closer to his warm skin as they inhaled his soothing omegan pheromones, seeking comfort in his scent.

The omega pouted, his brows furrowed as he grumbled, "There's something leaking from my back," his voice still hoarse from the hangover.

The twin alphas exchanged glances and reached for his back. As they felt the sticky substance pooling there, they scooped it up with their fingers and brought their fingers to their faces, examining it closely. Realization quickly dawned on them, and their eyes widened, followed by mischievous grins.

"Wild night," they commented in unison, laughter lacing their voices as they playfully revealed the nature of the substance to the omega.

Xiao Zhan's cheeks turned crimson in an instant as he comprehended the situation. He had been experiencing the aftermath of their passionate night. The two alphas had seemingly released so much that it had found its way out through his rear.

The twin alphas chuckled and gazed at the embarrassed omega with fondness, knowing he was likely feeling mortified.

"We should wash up together," the younger alpha suggested, aware that they probably needed to clean themselves after the night's activities.

Xiao Zhan, however, buried his face in the blanket, hiding his embarrassment from his lovers. He couldn't believe how wild they had been last night, and he had forgotten much of it.

The older alpha couldn't help but laugh, and he playfully pulled the blanket away, revealing the omega's reddened face. "Now you're being shy when you were so eager last night," he teased, earning himself a pillow to the face from Xiao Zhan, which only made him laugh even harder.

The two alphas reluctantly left the bed, ignoring the omega's whining and his plea to stay under the covers. One of them gently scooped him out of the sheets. Their bodies bore the marks of their passionate night together, with numerous scratch and bite marks, and an array of purplish and reddish bruises scattered across their skin.

Xiao Zhan felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment and covered his face with his palms, unable to hide the evident blush.

The two alphas found his reaction adorable and took great pride in the passionate marks they had left on him. They had littered constellations of hickeys in just the right places as if marking their claim all over his body. A triumphant smirk adorned their faces as they carried him, the proof of their passionate night and their bond still fresh on their skin.


After their refreshing shower, Yibo scooped up the omega in his arms, cradling him as he carried Xiao Zhan to the living room. Meanwhile, Xie Yie headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Yibo gently placed Xiao Zhan on the sofa, his lips pressing a sweet kiss to the omega's forehead before heading to the kitchen to join his brother in making breakfast.

As Yibo left the living room, Xiao Zhan's mask dropped, and he allowed the look of pain to surface on his face. He felt the strain in his hips, and his legs were like jelly, still recovering from the passionate night they had shared. He wondered how intense their activities had been to leave him temporarily paralyzed like this.

He sighed heavily, his memory of the previous night still hazy and fragmented. He scanned the room, noticing the bottles of wine lined up beside the sofa, the empty beer cans neatly placed on the coffee table, and the two gaming consoles strewn on the floor. The events from the earlier part of their celebration were clear, but the rest of the night remained a blur in his memory.

A deep sigh escaped him as his head throbbed with increasing pain while he tried to delve deeper into his fragmented memories. Frustration and helplessness filled him, making the situation even more unbearable. Just as he was attempting to distract himself from his internal turmoil, his phone chimed, causing his brows to furrow. With a sense of foreboding, he picked up his phone and, upon opening it, his expression twisted into one of sheer horror.


A/N: I am finally able to update. I've been thinking carefully about the plot plus I had so much to think for my future. I've been anxious about adult things now that I'm an adult, I've been self-pitying for still relying on my parents even though they keep assuring me that it's okay to take it slow. Anyways, I hope you like the update. What do you think Xiao Zhan received? Stay tuned for my next update. Lovelots <3

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