Emergency Rap Recruit

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The day of the music program, (Y/N) gets a call from Namjun.

"What?! You're stuck on an island?!" The (H/C)nette yells in complete fear and disarray. 

Namjun was scheduled to return from his <More Answers, More Problems> shoot this morning.


"Yes, the shoot was delayed a bit and we ended up missing the ferry. The next one leaves tonight..."

"What do we do about our music performance? We're going live in a few hours..." (Y/N) pinches the bridge of her nose in distress.


"Manager, I'll try to find a way to get there. But... it's going to be difficult..."


The remaining six members and (Y/N) hold an emergency meeting.

"Well... RUN starts with Namjun's rap. It'd hit us hard if we were missing it." Yunki sighs deeply.

(Y/N) nods in response, "Right. Someone might have to cover Namjun's part. Let's decide." She tucks her index finger under her chin as she thinks. "We should pick someone from vocal line? I think it'd be cool and fresh!"

Yunki grins in agreement. "All three members of rap line have distinct styles anyway, so it seems like a good idea to have one of the vocal line members cover it. But... How do we choose..."

Taehyung's eyes light up, "Can we make nominations?"

"Of course! Who would like to nominate?" (Y/N) asks as she looks at the four.

"Ah, me... Kim Taehyung. Me!"

Jimin nudges her shoulder, "Manager, honestly... Wouldn't it be the most surprising for me to do it?"

"Guys, think about the awkward position you're putting Manager in!" Seokjin says as he steps in and pulls her away from the two, winking at her direction. "Manager, this is completely up to you."

Jimin pouts at the expression he's giving her. "You say that, but what's with that wink, hyung..."

"I won't say a lot, just one thing." The maknae takes a quick breath and starts freestyling. "The name's Jungkook and the scale's nationwide! Instead of school, I sang and danced all night in the practice room!"

"Wow... Your "one thing" is rather lengthy!" Seokjin looks to the younger with surprise.

(Y/N) getsures to the boys, "Calm down, guys... We'll be in this meeting until the moment you go on stage at this rate. Let's just do this!"

*Minutes later*

"We're here in the green room for the very 1st <Vocal Line Rap Battle>, hosted by yours truly!" (Y/N) bows as she gestures herself.

Beside her was Yunki, who was carrying a handful of chocolate chip cookies. "Mr. Park Jimin, what's this? I can't be bribed, you know... But I'll still take this. Yum."

As Yunki is munching on his treats, Hoseok was the next to speak. "Alright, let's start this battle! Contestant number 1! A revel with a square smile, V!"

"Hyungs, your rap skills are back-to-back! They're compliments, so quit it!" Taehyung comments before beginning. "Hobi hyung in front of me, getting tense! Why are you nervous? Go make some kimchi!"

"Yes, that was great. Your rhymes were impressive, and I'll award bonus points for being cute." Yunki claims, as he gestures for the next contestant. 

Jimin cuts in, "Yunki hyung look at meeee!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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