I Promise

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"This part is on the off-beat. Then you-turn!" Hoseok explains as he starts demonstrating the moves for their debut song. "So, want to take it from the top?"

"As expected from our dance captain!" (Y/N) comes in the practice room as she applauds with a proud smile on her face.

Hoseok turns around and smiles seeing her there, "Oh, Manager you're here! We were doing our first run through with some original choreography."

"How's it going so far?"

"Pretty well for our first time! There's just one problem..."

"A problem?"

"I can't help but feel like something is missing. What could it be...?"

(Y/N) brings her finger under her pink plump bottom lip as she recommends and idea, "What if you do something really daring? Something that'll set you apart and announce your arrival."

Hoseok turns his head her way with a puzzled look, "Really daring? Like what?"

"Hm... Come here." (Y/N) gestures him to come closer. She whispers into Hoseok's ear and his eyes go wide.

Hoseok speaks out for everyone's attention, "Okay, I have an important announcement to make as your choreographer. We have a significant dance move for our debut song!"

Everyone's faces turn to curiosity for the idea.

"It's... Drumroll please!"

(Y/N) starts rapidly patting her knees for the drum roll sound effect.

"The ab reveal! We're gonna pull up our shirts in the middle of the routine and show them off!"

Namjun gives a look of insecurity, "Are you sure? Pulling up our shirts? That seems... over the top."

Hoseok thinks for a moment and then comes to a conclusion. "You're right... it'd be too much if everyone did it, so let's just have one person do it! More of an impact!" He grins and looks pointedly in Jimin's direction.

Jimin starts getting shy as everyone starts staring his way, "Why... Why are looking at me...?"

"We're counting on you, Jimin! The success of our debut song is riding on your abs." Namjoon says with words of encouragement.

The rest of the group all flies past Jimin, patting him on the shoulder.


(Y/N) can hear Jimin's footwork and steps from the hallway. She peeks in through the window. Jimin is practicing alone, drenched in sweat.

'He's only been drinking diet shakes the past couple of days. I think he's putting himself too hard...'


"Oh?! Jimin!!!"

Jimin fumbles and trips, falling on the ground with a thud. (Y/N) runs over to his body and picks him up slightly. She places the back of his head on her chest (don't think dirty on this, you perv armys out there😑) and the rest of the back of his upper body against her.

"Jimin, are you alright?!" (Y/N) asks as she is still caring for him.

Jimin opens his eyes slowly and smiles as he sees her face from above him, but then notices where he was laying at. He starts to blush furiously and gets up off her quickly, "A-Ah! I-I... I'm alright. I just got a bit dizzy and it made me mess up the step."

"You're working too hard! Have you been eating?"

"It's about lunch time. Do you think you can hand me my bag? There's a shake in there-"

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